Analyze the following code: How many times will “hello” be displayed in the console as a result of its execution?

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  • Post last modified:June 12, 2024
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Analyze the following code: for (let x = 10; x > 1; x -= 2) console.log("hello"); How many times will "hello" be displayed in the console as a result of…

Continue ReadingAnalyze the following code: How many times will “hello” be displayed in the console as a result of its execution?

Analyze the following code: Which statement can replace the do … while from the example above?

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  • Post last modified:June 12, 2024
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Analyze the following code: let a = 10; do {    console.log(a--); } while (a > 3); Which statement can replace the do ... while from the example above? while (a > 4)     …

Continue ReadingAnalyze the following code: Which statement can replace the do … while from the example above?

If we want to display all the elements of the days array in reverse order (starting from the last element) then we can do this using the statement:

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If we want to display all the elements of the days array in reverse order (starting from the last element) then we can do this using the statement: for(let i =…

Continue ReadingIf we want to display all the elements of the days array in reverse order (starting from the last element) then we can do this using the statement:

Which of the following loop instructions is intended only to loop through all the keys of the indicated object?

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  • Post last modified:June 12, 2024
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Which of the following loop instructions is intended only to loop through all the keys of the indicated object? for ... of  if ... else  for ... in  do ...…

Continue ReadingWhich of the following loop instructions is intended only to loop through all the keys of the indicated object?

Analyze the code below: How can we write the same condition using the switch statement?

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  • Post last modified:June 12, 2024
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Analyze the code below: if (counter === 10) {    console.log("abc"); } How can we write the same condition using the switch statement? case(counter) {   switch 10:      console.log("abc") }; switch(counter)…

Continue ReadingAnalyze the code below: How can we write the same condition using the switch statement?

Review the following code snippet: What values can the counter and show variables have so that the console displays “test” as a result of code execution?

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  • Post last modified:June 12, 2024
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Review the following code snippet: if (counter <= 10 && show === false) {    console.log("test"); } What values can the counter and show variables have so that the console displays "test" as a result…

Continue ReadingReview the following code snippet: What values can the counter and show variables have so that the console displays “test” as a result of code execution?

Review the following code: What will be displayed in the console as a result of its execution?

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  • Post last modified:June 12, 2024
  • Reading time:6 mins read

Review the following code: let x = 100; if (x < 100)    x = 20; console.log(x) What will be displayed in the console as a result of its execution? nothing 100 …

Continue ReadingReview the following code: What will be displayed in the console as a result of its execution?

Which of the following operators is a ternary one?

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  • Post last modified:June 12, 2024
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Which of the following operators is a ternary one? An assignment operator =. A conditional operator ? :. A typeof operator. An increment operator ++. Explanation & Hint: The ternary operator in JavaScript is represented by the ? and : symbols. It is…

Continue ReadingWhich of the following operators is a ternary one?

We want to rewrite the following code snippet using the conditional operator:

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We want to rewrite the following code snippet using the conditional operator: let name; if (test) {    name = "Alice"; } else {    name = "Bob"; } Which notation is…

Continue ReadingWe want to rewrite the following code snippet using the conditional operator:

The methods window.altert, window.confirm, and window.prompt are methods of the window object. Which of the following is not true?

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  • Post last modified:June 12, 2024
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The methods window.altert, window.confirm, and window.prompt are methods of the window object. Which of the following is not true? The alert, confrim, and prompt methods require an argument specifying the position of…

Continue ReadingThe methods window.altert, window.confirm, and window.prompt are methods of the window object. Which of the following is not true?

The string “12” has been written into the str variable: (let str = “12”;). Then the operations str = +str is performed. As a result, the variable str will contain:

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The string "12" has been written into the str variable: (let str = "12";). Then the operations str = +str is performed. As a result, the variable str will contain: NaN 12…

Continue ReadingThe string “12” has been written into the str variable: (let str = “12”;). Then the operations str = +str is performed. As a result, the variable str will contain:

The confirm method allows you to create a dialog box. What value does this method return when the user closes the window?

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  • Post last modified:June 12, 2024
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The confirm method allows you to create a dialog box. What value does this method return when the user closes the window? Always true. Always false. The string entered by…

Continue ReadingThe confirm method allows you to create a dialog box. What value does this method return when the user closes the window?

Analyze the code snippet: Its execution will result in the following values in the variables n and m:

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  • Post last modified:June 12, 2024
  • Reading time:3 mins read

Analyze the code snippet: let n = 10; let m = ++n; Its execution will result in the following values in the variables n and m: n: 11, m: 10 n: 10, m:…

Continue ReadingAnalyze the code snippet: Its execution will result in the following values in the variables n and m: