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  • Reading time:2 mins read
  • Post last modified:June 12, 2024

Given the following netstat output, which three statements about the local machine are true? (Choose three.)

Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address          Foreign Address      State
tcp        0      0   *            LISTEN
tcp        0      0      ESTABLISHED
  • It is acting as an HTTP client.
  • It is acting as an HTTP server.
  • It is acting as an SSH server.
  • It is acting as an SSH client.
  • It is hosting a service that is accessible on all interfaces.
Explanation & Hint:

From the provided netstat output, the following three statements about the local machine are true:

  1. It is acting as an SSH server.
    • The first line indicates that the local machine is listening on port 22, which is the default port for SSH. Therefore, it is acting as an SSH server.
  2. It is acting as an HTTP client.
    • The second line shows an established connection from the local machine ( to a remote host on port 80, which is commonly used for HTTP. This indicates that the local machine is acting as an HTTP client.
  3. It is hosting a service that is accessible on all interfaces.
    • The first line specifies the local address as “,” which means that the service (SSH server) is bound to all network interfaces and is accessible from any network interface. Therefore, it is hosting a service accessible on all interfaces.

The other two statements about acting as an HTTP server and acting as an SSH client are not supported by the given netstat output.

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Endpoints and Systems Post-Assessment | CBROPS

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