What is an example of network communication that uses the client-server model?

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  • Reading time:2 mins read
  • Post last modified:June 12, 2024

What is an example of network communication that uses the client-server model?

  • A user uses eMule to download a file that is shared by a friend after the file location is determined.
  • A workstation initiates an ARP to find the MAC address of a receiving host.
  • A user prints a document by using a printer that is attached to a workstation of a coworker.
  • A workstation initiates a DNS request when the user types www.cisco.com in the address bar of a web browser.
Answers Explanation & Hints:

When a user types a domain name of a website into the address bar of a web browser, a workstation needs to send a DNS request to the DNS server for the name resolution process. This request is a client/server model application. The eMule application is P2P. Sharing a printer on a workstation is a peer-to-peer network. Using ARP is just a broadcast message sent by a host.

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