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  • Reading time:1 mins read
  • Post last modified:June 12, 2024

What is checked when the Snort engine starts up?

  • Snort log files for any Snort processes errors.
  • Syntax of all the Snort rules in the Snort rules file.
  • Version of the Snort rules.
  • Snort license is valid.
Explanation & Hint:

When the Snort engine starts up, it checks:

The syntax of all the Snort rules in the Snort rules file.

Snort parses the rule files to ensure that the rules are correctly written and can be understood by the engine. Syntax errors in the rules file can prevent Snort from starting or from correctly detecting the network traffic patterns it is supposed to monitor. While Snort may perform other checks during startup, the syntax of the rules is a fundamental part of the initialization process to ensure that it can operate correctly.

For more Questions and Answers:

Network Security Post-Assessment | CBROPS

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