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  • Post last modified:June 12, 2024

What is the first step in any analytic project?

  • defining the goal of the project
  • finding relevant data for analysis
  • creating representative charts and graphs
  • making recommendations for changes
Answers Explanation & Hints:

The first step in any analytic project is defining the goal of the project.

Before any data can be analyzed, it’s important to establish what problem you are trying to solve or what questions you are trying to answer. This involves clearly defining the goal of the project and identifying the specific business problem or research question that you are trying to address.

Once you have a clear goal in mind, you can then begin to collect and prepare the data that is relevant to the problem or question you are trying to answer. This may involve finding relevant data sources, cleaning and transforming the data to make it usable, and performing any necessary data quality checks.

After the data has been prepared, you can then move on to analyzing the data and creating charts and graphs to help visualize the results. Finally, based on your analysis, you can make recommendations for changes or improvements to the business process or research problem that you are investigating. But it all starts with defining the goal of the project.

For more Questions and Answers:

1.4.2 Module 1 Quiz – Data Analytic Projects Quiz Exam Answers Full 100%

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