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  • Post last modified:June 12, 2024

Which two statements about a playbook are correct? (Choose two.)

  • A playbook is a prescriptive collection of repeatable plays (reports and methods) to detect and respond to security incidents.
  • A playbook can be fully integrated into production without going through the QA process to reduce the time to detection.
  • A playbook is a collection of reports from various logging sources.
  • A playbook is a living document that brings a dramatic increase in fidelity and new detection ideas, which leads to better detection.
  • A playbook can be considered as a complete replacement of the traditional incident response plan.
Explanation & Hint:

Among the given options, the two statements about a playbook that are correct are:

  1. A playbook is a prescriptive collection of repeatable plays (reports and methods) to detect and respond to security incidents. Playbooks in the context of cybersecurity are designed to provide a structured and systematic approach to handling various types of security incidents. They include step-by-step instructions (or ‘plays’) that guide security teams through the processes of detecting, analyzing, and responding to different threats.
  2. A playbook is a living document that brings a dramatic increase in fidelity and new detection ideas, which leads to better detection. Cybersecurity playbooks are dynamic documents that evolve over time. As new threats emerge and organizations learn from past incidents, playbooks are updated to include new detection methods, response strategies, and lessons learned. This continual improvement process enhances the effectiveness of the playbook in detecting and responding to threats.

The other statements are not accurate:

  • A playbook can be fully integrated into production without going through the QA process to reduce the time to detection. This is not recommended. Skipping the QA (Quality Assurance) process can lead to unforeseen issues and potential vulnerabilities in the playbook. It’s important to thoroughly test and validate a playbook in a controlled environment before deploying it in a live setting.
  • A playbook is a collection of reports from various logging sources. A playbook is not merely a collection of reports; it is a set of procedures and guidelines for incident response. While it may utilize data and reports from various logging sources, its primary function is to guide actions and decision-making during an incident.
  • A playbook can be considered as a complete replacement of the traditional incident response plan. A playbook is a component of a broader incident response plan, not a replacement. It focuses on specific scenarios and provides detailed guidance on handling them, whereas an incident response plan is a more comprehensive document that outlines overall strategies, roles, responsibilities, and procedures for managing and responding to security incidents.

For more Questions and Answers:

Threat Investigation Post-Assessment | CBROPS

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