Final Exam (Ch15-26)

  1. The _____ command is used to load a module along with its dependencies.

    • modprobe
    • ldmod
    • insmod
    • lsmod
  2. The _____ is a kernel module used by the kernel to manage hardware devices.

    • Interface
    • Configuration file
    • Subsystem
    • Driver
  3. Which command is used to view the summary of the RAM and swap space?

    • iostat
    • free
    • lsmem
    • du
  4. Which of the following commands is used to view the summary of CPUs in the system?

    • more /proc/cpuinfo
    • cpustat
    • lscpu
    • ls -cpu
  5. The first process that the kernel launches is called the _____ process.

    • sys
    • init
    • startx
    • kernel
  6. The first stage of the boot process is:

    • The Bootloader (LILO/GRUB) stage
    • The init phase
    • The kernel phase
    • The firmware (BIOS/UEFI) stage
  7. The second stage of the boot process is:

    • The kernel phase
    • The init phase
    • The Bootloader stage
    • The firmware (BIOS/UEFI) stage
  8. In GRUB Legacy, the _____ directive defines an operating system to boot.

    • os
    • system
    • boot
    • title
  9. In GRUB Legacy, the _____ directive indicates how long to wait before automatically booting the default operating system.

    • kernel
    • timeout=
    • password=
    • fallback=
  10. Instead of using traditional runlevels, systemd uses:

    • Variables
    • States
    • Functions
    • Targets
  11. The same set of services are started or stopped at different runlevels.​ True or False?

    • True
    • False
  12. Which command will display both the current runlevel and the previous runlevel?

    • level
    • run
    • rl
    • runlevel
  13. Which directories exist in the /etc/rc.d directory?

    • rc0, rc1, rc2, rc3, rc4, rc5 and rc6
    • rc0.d, rc2.d, rc4.d, and rc6.d
    • rc0d, rc1d, rc2d, rc3d, rc4d and rc5d
    • rc0.d, rc1.d, rc2.d, rc3.d, rc4.d, rc5.d and rc6.d
  14. Which of the following can be used to restart the HTTP service?

    (choose two)

    • service https restart
    • service start httpd
    • /etc/init.d/httpd restart
    • service httpd restart
  15. A device name of /dev/hda1 indicates this partition is on which type of device?

    • IDE
    • SATA
    • CDROM
    • Logical Volume
  16. In what directory are you most likely to find user’s home directories?

    • home
    • /user/third
    • /var/lib
    • /usr/local
  17. Virtual memory is also referred to as:

    • Swap memory
    • Soft memory
    • Test memory
    • Hard memory
  18. Which directory structure contains the bulk of the operating system’s files:

    • /root
    • /usr
    • /rootfs
    • /home
  19. After running fdisk -cu /dev/sdb, what fdisk command will allow you to change a partition type?

    • t
    • d
    • f
    • g
  20. After running fdisk -cu /dev/sdb, what fdisk command will allow you to create a new partition?

    • w
    • n
    • g
    • c
  21. To activate a swap space that has been initialized, you can execute:

    • swapctl
    • swapcontrol
    • swapoff
    • swapon
  22. A mount point is:

    • A partition
    • An empty directory that is used to access a filesystem
    • A device name that is used for mounting
    • A way to specify mount options
  23. The first field in the /etc/fstab file is used to specify:

    • The dump field
    • The fsck order
    • The mount options
    • The device to mount
    • The mount point
    • The filesystem type
  24. What commands can display a list of mounted file systems?

    (choose two)

    • lspt
    • mount
    • df
    • fdisk
  25. By default, the df command displays filesystem use in:

    • 1-M block size
    • 1-K block size
    • 1-T block size
    • 1-G block size
  26. Inodes are used to store a file’s:

    • Metadata
    • Name
    • Location
    • Contents
  27. The _____ command will display how much space a directory is using.

    • init
    • df
    • dir
    • du
  28. Which of the following commands will shut down the system?

    • init 2
    • init 7
    • init 1
    • init 0
    • init 5
  29. Missing files don’t have their original file names, instead they are named with their _____ number?

    • inode
    • device
    • UID
    • GID
  30. Which of the following is true about the fsck command?

    • It can only be used to fix ext3 filesystems
    • It is designed to be executed on currently used filesystems
    • It should only be executed on mounted filesystems
    • It should only be executed on unmounted filesystems
    • It can only be used to fix ext2 filesystems
  31. All RPM package management commands must be run as the root user. True or False?

    • True
    • False
  32. How can you remove a package using an rpm command?

    • rpm -x
    • rpm -r
    • rpm -e
    • rpm -d
  33. The rpm2cpio command can be used to:

    (choose two)

    • Build a binary .rpm file from a source .src.rpm file
    • List the content of a .rpm file
    • Create a new .rpm file
    • Extract files from a .rpm file
  34. If a library is not accessible due to an error, the ldd would report which error message?

    • error: lib not configured
    • not found
    • library missing
    • lib missing
  35. Which of the following are benefits of a shared library:

    (choose two)

    • Programs run faster
    • Programs use a more consistent base of code
    • Programs can be smaller
    • Programs run slower
  36. Which of the following will find and load shared libraries when a program is executed?

    • The kernel
    • The dynamic linker
    • The init process
    • The scheduler
  37. a hypervisor allows:

    (choose two)

    • system calls to be directly executed by physical hardware
    • application software to run without an operating system
    • an operating system to be installed on virtual hardware
    • virtual resources to be accessed by operating systems and application software
  38. Container technology allows system designers to bypass traditional operating systems. True or False?

    • True
    • False
  39. Virtualization software comes in both paid and open source variants:

    True or False?

    • True
    • False
  40. Which of the following is not an advantage of GRUB 2 over GRUB Legacy?

    • Non-ASCII character support
    • Ability to work with architectures that don’t have a PC BIOS
    • Ability to boot from partitions inside of Logical Volume Management (LVM) or RAID devices
    • Dynamically loaded modules
    • Command-line interface
  41. Integrated peripherals are embedded into the _______ of a system:

    • Motherboard
    • Bootloader
    • RAM
    • CPU
  42. Which of the following are considered replacements for the traditional init process? (choose two)

    • Starter
    • Upstart
    • Systemd
    • Sysinit
  43. The systemd equivalent of runlevels are called?

    • initstages
    • bootlevels
    • BIOS
    • targets
  44. What is the real location of the GRUB Legacy configuration file?

    • /etc/grub/grub.conf
    • /boot/grub/grub.conf
    • /boot/grub.conf
    • /var/local/grub.conf
  45. Which command is useful for booting a corrupted disk drive?

    • grub-install
    • grub-mkconfig
    • update-grub
    • grub-set-default
  46. Which of the following commands can be used to halt the system? (choose two)

    • halt
    • shutdown
    • reboot
    • poweroff
  47. Which of the following commands is used as a traditional replacement for the init process?

    • iostat
    • systemctl
    • sudo
    • ioctl
  48. Which of the following commands is used to view the status of all services?

    • systemctl -l
    • systemctl --Z
    • systemctl --l
    • systemctl --all
  49. Which runlevel number defines halting the system?

    • 0
    • 3
    • 4
    • 2
    • 6
    • 5
    • 1
  50. What directory contains information about symbolic links that enable services?

    • /proc/acpi
    • /etc/rc.d
    • /usr/lib/systemd
    • /etc/init.d/httpd
  51. What option to the mkfs command allows you to specify the type of filesystem to create?

    • -f
    • -fs
    • -fstype
    • -t
  52. Which command is used to create a logical volume?

    • create
    • lvadd
    • lvcreate
    • createlv
  53. Which command is used to create a physical volume?

    • createpv
    • create
    • pvadd
    • pvcreate
  54. Which program will non-destructively resize a partition and its installed filesystem?

    • fdisk
    • parted
    • lvcreate
    • sgdisk
  55. Which command will create disk labels on an ext3 filesystem?

    • label
    • elabel
    • ext3label
    • e2label
  56. Which command will describe the mount options available for different filesystems?

    • mount --list
    • mount -a
    • mount --options
    • man mount
  57. Which file provides persistent mapping of block devices to mount points?

    • /etc/
    • /etc/fstable
    • /etc/
    • /etc/fstab
  58. You wish to see an output of the devices on your system that are block-based. Which of the following will list them out?

    • enum-disk
    • lsblk
    • ls -ld
    • block-id
  59. What is the primary configuration file for yum?

    • /etc/yum/main.conf
    • /etc/yum.d/yum.conf
    • /etc/yum.conf
    • /etc/yum/yum.conf
  60. Which command will show the dependencies of an RPM package?

    • rpm -qpR
    • yum requires
    • yum provides
    • rpm -qpd
  61. In which file are repositories stored for Debian package management?

    • /etc/apt/source.repo
    • /etc/repo.list
    • /etc/apt/sources.list
    • /etc/apt/repo.list
  62. Which command may be used to get a list of the installed Debian packages?

    • apt-get list
    • apt-get show
    • dpkg -L
    • dpkg -l
  63. Which command will remove all files that belong to a Debian package?

    • apt-get purge
    • apt-get uninstall
    • apt-get remove
    • apt-get erase
  64. Which command will update the list of available packages for APT?

    • apt-get upgrade
    • apt-get update
    • apt-cache update
    • apt-cache upgrade
  65. Which utility can automate changes needed for a base virtual machine image?

    • cloud-init
    • minions
    • lscpu
    • KVM
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