98-365 : Windows Server Administration Fundamentals : Part 07

  1. What happens to a file’s permissions if you copy it from one volume to another?

    • The file will have the permissions as before.
    • The file will acquire the permissions of the target folder.
    • The file will acquire the permissions of the source folder.
    • The file will have no permissions.
    If a folder or file is copied, the new folder or file will automatically acquire the permissions of the drive or folder to which it is being copied.
  2. What happens to the permissions of a file if you move the file to a folder within the same volume?

    • The file will have the permissions as before.
    • The file will acquire the permissions of the target folder.
    • The file will acquire the permissions of the source folder.
    • The file will have no permissions.
    If a folder or file is moved within the same volume, the folder or file will retain the same permissions that were already assigned.
  3. What technology is used to encrypt an individual file or folder?

    • DFS
    • EFS
    • CIFS
    • SMB
    Encrypting File System (EFS) is a core file encryption technology used to store encrypted files on NTFS file system volumes. Encrypted files cannot be used unless a user has access to the keys required to decrypt the information. After a file is encrypted, you do not have to manually decrypt it before you can use it.
  4. What is the minimum share permission needed to modify files and its attributes?

    • Full Control
    • Change
    • Write
    • Write
    The Change permission give users the Read permission and the additional capability to create files and subfolders, modify files, change attributes on files and subfolders, and delete files and subfolders.
  5. What shares are usually hidden and are used for administrative purposes?

    • denied view share
    • explicit share
    • magic share
    • administrative share
    An administrative share is a shared folder typically used for administrative purposes and usually hidden. To make any shared folder or drive hidden, the share name must have a $ at the end of it.
  6. By default, what port does a TCP/IP printer port use?

    • 443
    • 8080
    • 3128
    • 9100
    A TCP/IP printer port is used to connect a printer directly to a network. It uses host port 9100 to communicate.
  7. What is the minimum permission needed to print to a printer and to manage your own print jobs?

    • Print
    • Manage this Printer
    • Manage Documents
    • Full Control
    The Print permission allows users to send documents to the printer. Users automatically have the permission to manage their print jobs.
  8. What port does Internet Printing use?

    • 80
    • 9100
    • 443
    • 1801
    When you print using Internet Printing, you are printing using HTTP commands. Therefore, you are using port 80.
  9. What do you call permissions that are actually granted to a user when a user logs on and accesses the particular file or folder?

    • Explicit Permissions
    • Effective Permissions
    • Inherited Permissions
    • Zone Permissions
    Because users can be members of several groups, they can possibly have several sets of explicit permissions for a particular folder or file. When this occurs, the permissions are combined to form the effective permissions, which are the actual permissions when logging in and accessing a file or folder. These consist of explicit permissions plus any inherited permissions.
  10. What do you do with a folder that you do not have permissions to and you need to access immediately?

    • Take Ownership
    • Reset Permissions
    • Access Control List
    • None of the above
    An object’s owner controls how permissions are set on the object and to whom permissions are granted. If for some reason you have been denied access to a file or folder, you need to reset the permissions by taking ownership of the file or folder and modifying the permissions.
    All administrators automatically have the Take Ownership permission of all NTFS objects.
  11. What is the recommended share permission and NTFS permission you should assign to a folder that you shared?

    • Full Control
    • Read
    • Write
    • List Folder & Execute
    As with NTFS, you can allow or deny each share permission. To simplify managing share and NTFS permissions, Microsoft recommends giving Everyone Full Control at the share level, and then controlling access via NTFS permissions.
  12. What type of server serves HTML files to clients?

    • web server
    • FTP server
    • SMB server
    • application server
    The World Wide Web is a system of interlinked hypertext documents known as web pages that can be viewed with a web browser such as Internet Explorer. Those pages are provided by a web server.
  13. By default, what port does a web server use?

    • 80
    • 8080
    • 489
    • 21
    When you view web pages, you are connecting to the web server using TCP port 80.
  14. By default, what port does a web server use when using SSL?

    • 80
    • 8080
    • 443
    • 21
    Because personal information such as credit-card numbers can be sent over the Internet, a supplemental protocol was developed called Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). This protocol uses TCPport443, which uses a digital certificate to encrypt the packet so that it cannot be read by anyone else except the source and target. When you use SSL, the browser URL starts with https (for example, https://www.acme.com).
  15. What protocol is used to send mail between servers?

    • FTP
    • SMTP
    • SNMP
    • HTTP
    For emails to travel over the Internet, email servers (or any server or client that sends email directly out) use the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) as an outgoing mail transport.
  16. By default, what port does SMTP use?

    • 80
    • 23
    • 25
    • 21
    SMTP uses TCP port 25.
  17. What Microsoft web server is included with Windows servers?

    • Internet Information Services
    • Web Manager
    • Web Provider
    • Internet Security and Acceleration
    Microsoft’s web server/application server is Internet Information Services (IIS). Windows Server2008 R2 includes IIS 7.5, Windows Server 2016 includes IIS 7.5, and Windows Server 2008 includes IIS 7.0. IIS 7.0 and 7.5 support FTP, FTPS, SMTP, and HTTP/HTTPS.
  18. When IIS is running multiple websites, what do you use to isolate one site from another website?

    • applications
    • application pools
    • sites
    • virtual directories
    An application pool is a set of resources (a worker process or a set of worker processes) used by a website or application that defines the memory boundaries for the site. Forcing each application to have its own application pool ensures that one site does not interfere with another site on the same server, which ensures application performance and improved application availability.
    Therefore, if one application has a memory leak or crashes, it will not affect the other sites.
  19. Which type of IIS authentication does not provide a username and password?

    • anonymous
    • ASP.NET Impersonation
    • Basic Authentication
    • Windows Authentication
    Authentication is used to confirm the identity of clients who request access to your sites and applications. Anonymous authentication allows access without providing a username and password.
  20. Which type of IIS authentication sends the username and password in clear text?

    • anonymous
    • ASP.NET Impersonation
    • Basic Authentication
    • Windows Authentication
    Basic Authentication requires that users provide a valid username and password to gain access to content. Because basic authentication transmits passwords across the network in clear text, you should use it with a digital certificate to encrypt usernames and passwords being sent over the network.
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