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  • Reading time:2 mins read
  • Post last modified:June 12, 2024

Analyze the following code:

for (let x = 10; x > 1; x -= 2)

How many times will "hello" be displayed in the console as a result of its execution?

  • 5
  • 9
  • 10
  • 4
Explanation & Hint:

The for loop is initialized with x set to 10. The loop condition is x > 1, and the loop’s iteration statement is x -= 2, which subtracts 2 from x in each iteration. The loop will continue executing as long as x is greater than 1. In each iteration, the code console.log(“hello”) is executed, which displays “hello” in the console. The loop starts with x = 10, and it will execute when x is greater than 1, subtracting 2 from x in each iteration. After the 5th iteration, x becomes 2, and the loop condition x > 1 evaluates to false, causing the loop to terminate.

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