CLA – Programming Essentials in C InfraExam C++ Institute 1 mins read June 12, 2024 CLA – Programming Essentials in C C Essentials – Part 1: BASICS Introduction to computer programming, variables, and comments M1 Test Basic data types, operations, and flow control (decision-making statements) M2 Test Flow control (loops), int and float types, type casting, and computer logic M3 Test Switch, aggregating data into arrays, pointers, and the basics of strings M4 Test Advanced operations on arrays and pointers, memory management, and the basics of functions M5 Test C Essentials – Part 1: SUMMARY TEST C Essentials – Part 2: INTERMEDIATE Functions and structures M6 Test Connecting to the real world: files and streams M7 Test Preprocessor and declarations M8 Test C Essentials – Part 2: SUMMARY TEST C Essentials – Final Test