Functions and structures M6 Test

Functions and structures M6 Test

  1. What happens if you try to compile and run this program?

    #include <stdio.h>
    int f(int t[][]) {
        return t[0][0] + t[1][0];
    int main(void)
         int i,a[2][2] = { {-2, -1}, {1,2} }; 
         i = f(a + 2);
          printf("%d", i);
          return 0;
    • the program outputs 0
    • the program outputs 2
    • the compilation fails
    • the program outputs 1
  2. What happens if you try to compile and run this program?

    #include <stdio.h>
    int i = 0;
    int *f(int *i) {
         return i;
    int main(void) {
         int i = 1; 
         i = *f(&i);
          printf("%d", i);
          return 0;
    • the program outputs 2
    • the program outputs 1
    • the compilation fails
    • the program outputs 0
  3. What happens if you try to compile and run this program?

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <string.h>
    struct Q {
         chart s[3];
    struct S {
        struct Q Q;
    int main(void) {
        struct S S = { '\0', '\0','\0'};
        S.Q.S[0] = 'A';
        S.Q.S[1] = 'B';
          return 0;
    • the program outputs 2
    • the program outputs 4
    • the program outputs 3
    • the program outputs 1
  4. What happens if you try to compile and run this program?

    #include <stdio.h>
    struct S {
         int a[2];
    int main(void) {
         struct S S[2];
         int i;
         for(i = 0; i < 2; i++;
             S[i].a[1-i] = 4 * !i;
          return 0;
    • the program outputs 3
    • the program outputs 4
    • the program outputs 2
    • the program outputs 1
  5. What happens if you try to compile and run this program?

    #include <stdio.h>
    int i = 2;
    int *f(void) {
         return &i;
    int main(void) {
        int *i;
        i = f();
          return 0;
    • the program outputs 1
    • the compilation fails
    • the program outputs 3
    • the program outputs 2
  6. What happens if you try to compile and run this program?

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    struct S {
         int a;
         struct S *b;
    int main(void) {
          struct S *x = malloc(sizeof(struct S));
          struct S *y = malloc(sizeof(struct S));
          x >a = 2;
          x >b = y;
          y >a = 4;
          y >b = x;
          free(x); free(y);
          return 0;
    • the program outputs 3
    • the program outputs 4
    • the program outputs 2
    • the program outputs 1
  7. What happens if you try to compile and run this program?

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <string.h>
    void f(char *s,int i) {
         *(s + i) = '\0';
    int main(void) {
         char a[] = { 'a','b','c','d' };
          return 0;
    • the program outputs 1
    • the program outputs 0
    • the compilation fails
    • the program outputs 2
  8. What happens if you try to compile and run this program?

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    struct S {
         int a;
         struct S *b;
    int main(void) {
         struct S *x = malloc(sizeof(struct S));
         struct S *y = malloc(sizeof(struct S));
         struct S *p;
         x-> = 2; x->b = y;
         y-> = 4; y->b = x;
         p = x;
         p = p >b->b->b->b; 
          printf("%d", p >a);
          return 0;
    • the program outputs 3
    • the program outputs 1
    • the program outputs 2
    • the program outputs 4
  9. What happens if you try to compile and run this program?

    #include <stdio.h>
    int i = 1;
    int *f(void) {
         return &i;
    int main(void) {
          int i = 0;
          i = *f();   
          printf("%d", i);
          return 0;
    • the program outputs 2
    • the program outputs 1
    • the compilation fails
    • the program outputs 0
  10. What happens if you try to compile and run this program?

    #include <stdio.h>
    struct S {
          char *p;
    int main(void) {
          char *p = "abcd";
          struct S S[2];
          int i;
          for(i = 0; i < 2; i++)
             S[i].p = p + i;  
          return 0;
    • the program outputs a
    • the program outputs b
    • the program outputs c
    • the program outputs d
  11. What happens if you try to compile and run this program?

    #include <stdio.h>
    int f(int t[]) {
         return t[0] + t[2];
    int main(void) {
          int i,a[] = { -2,-1,0,1,2 };
          i = f(a + 2);   
          printf("%d", i);
          return 0;
    • the program outputs 0
    • the program outputs 1
    • the program outputs 2
    • the compilation fails
  12. What happens if you try to compile and run this program?

    #include <stdio.h>
    Struct S {
        int S;
    int f(struct S *s) {
         return --s.S;
    int main(void) {
          int i;
          struct S S = { 2 };
          i = f(S);  
          printf("%d", i);
          return 0;
    • the program outputs 1
    • the program outputs 2
    • the program outputs 0
    • the compilation fails
  13. What happens if you try to compile and run this program?

    #include <stdio.h>
    struct S {
         int S;
    int main(void) {
          struct S S;
          S.S = sizeof(struct S) / sizeof(S));   
          printf("%d", S.S);
          return 0;
    • the program outputs 1
    • the program outputs 2
    • the program outputs 3
    • the program outputs 4
  14. What happens if you try to compile and run this program?

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <string.h>
    struct Q {
         char S[3];
    struct S {
         struct Q Q;
    int main(void) {
          struct S S = { '\0', '\0','\0' };   
          S.Q.S[0] = 'A';
          S.Q.S[2] = 'B';
          return 0;
    • the program outputs 1
    • the program outputs 2
    • the program outputs 4
    • the program outputs 3
  15. What happens if you try to compile and run this program?

    #include <stdio.h>
    struct Q {
         int a,b,c;
    struct S {
         int a,b,c;
         struct Q Q;
    int main(void) {
          struct Q Q = { 3,2,1 };   
          struct S S = { 4,5,6 };
          S.Q = Q;
          printf("%d",S.b - S.Q.b);
          return 0;
    • the program outputs 3
    • the program outputs 2
    • the program outputs 4
    • the program outputs 3
  16. What happens if you try to compile and run this program?

    #include <stdio.h>
    int f(char t[]) {
         return t[1] - t[0];
    int main(void) {
          int i = 2;
          i -= f("ABDGK" + 1);
          return 0;
    • the compilation fails
    • the program outputs 0
    • the program outputs 1
    • the program outputs 2
  17. What happens if you try to compile and run this program?

    #include <stdio.h>
    int f(char t[]) {
         return t[0] - t[-1];
    int main(void) {
          int i = 2;
          i -= f("ABDGK" + 1);
          return 0;
    • the program outputs 1
    • the compilation fails
    • the program outputs -1
    • the program outputs 0
  18. What happens if you try to compile and run this program?

    #include <stdio.h>
    struct S {
         int S;
    int f(struct S s) {
         return --s.S;
    int main(void) {
         int i;
         struct S S = { 2 };
         i = f(S);
          return 0;
    • the program outputs 0
    • the program outputs 1
    • the program outputs 2
    • the compilation fails
  19. What happens if you try to compile and run this program?

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <string.h>
    void f(char *s,int i) {
         *(s + i) = '\0';
    int main(void) {
          char a[] = { 'a','b','c','d' };   
          return 0;
    • the program outputs 2
    • the compilation fails
    • the program outputs 1
    • the program outputs 0
  20. What happens if you try to compile and run this program?

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <string.h>
    struct Q {
         char S[3];
    struct S {
         struct Q Q;
    int main(void) {
          struct S S = { '\0', '\0','\0' };   
          S.Q.S[0] = 'A';
          S.Q.S[2] = 'B';
          return 0;
    • the program outputs 1
    • the compilation fail 
    • the program outputs 2
    • the program outputs 1