CPA : C++ Certified Associate Programmer : Part 06

CPA : C++ Certified Associate Programmer : Part 06

  1. What is the output of the program if character 3 is supplied as input?

    #include <iostream>

    using namespace std;

    int main () {
    int c;
    cin >> c;
    switch (c)
    case 1:
    throw 20;
    case 2:
    throw 5.2f;
    case 3:
    throw ‘a’;
    catch (int e)
    { cout << “int exception. Exception Nr. ” << e; }
    catch (float e)
    { cout << “float exception. Exception Nr. ” << e; }
    catch (…)
    { cout << “An exception occurred.”; }
    return 0;

    • It prints: float exception. Exception Nr.
    • It prints: int exception. Exception Nr.
    • It prints: An exception occurred.
    • It prints: float exception. Exception Nr.
  2. What happens when you attempt to compile and run the following code?

    #include <iostream>
    #include <string>
    using namespace std;

    class A {
    int x;
    int y;
    int z;
    A() { x=1; y=2; z=3; }

    class B : public A {
    void set() {
    y = 4; z = 2;
    void Print() {
    cout << y << z;

    int main () {
    B b;
    return 0;

    • It prints: 42
    • It prints: 44
    • It prints: 22
    • It prints: 2
  3. What happens when you attempt to compile and run the following code?

    #include <iostream>
    #include <string>

    using namespace std;

    int f(int i);

    int main()
    int i=0;
    for (i=0; i<=2; i++)
    return 0;

    int f(int a)
    return a+a;

    • It prints: 202020
    • It prints: 012
    • It prints: 024
    • It prints: 0
  4. What happens when you attempt to compile and run the following code?

    #include <iostream>
    using namespace std;

    int mul (int a, int b=2)
    int r;
    return (r);

    int main ()
    cout << mul(1) << mul(2,4);
    return 0;

    • It prints: 2
    • It prints: 28
    • It prints: 8
    • It prints: 6
  5. What happens when you attempt to compile and run the following code?

    #include <iostream>
    #include <string>

    using namespace std;

    struct Person {
    string name;
    int age;

    class First
    Person *person;
    First() {person = new Person;
    person?>name = “John”;
    person?>age = 30;
    void Print(){
    cout<<person?>name << ” “<< person?>age;

    int main()
    First t;

    • It prints: 30
    • It prints: John
    • It prints: John 30
    • It prints: John 30John 30
  6. What happens when you attempt to compile and run the following code?

    #include <iostream>
    using namespace std;

    namespace myNamespace1
    int x = 5;
    int y = 10;

    namespace myNamespace2
    float x = 3.14;
    float y = 1.5;

    int main () {
    namespace newname = myNamespace1;
    using namespace newname;
    cout << x << ” “;
    cout << y;
    return 0;

    • It prints: 5 1.5
    • It prints: 3.14 1.5
    • It prints: 5 10
    • It prints: 5
  7. What happens when you attempt to compile and run the following code?

    #include <iostream>

    using namespace std;

    int main()
    int i=2;
    case 1:
    case 2:
    case 3:
    return 0;

    • It prints: Hello
    • It prints: world
    • It prints: End
    • It prints: E
  8. What happens when you attempt to compile and run the following code?

    #include <iostream>
    #include <string>

    using namespace std;

    class SampleClass
    string *s;
    SampleClass() { s = new string(“Text”);}
    SampleClass(string s) { this?>s = new string(s);}
    ~SampleClass() { delete s;}
    void Print(){ cout<<*s;}
    int main()
    SampleClass *obj;
    obj = new SampleClass(“Test”);

    • It prints: Text
    • It prints: Test
    • It prints: TextTest
    • Garbage value.
  9. What happens if characters ‘w’, ‘o’, ‘r’, ‘l’ and ‘d’ are entered as input?

    #include <iostream>
    #include <string>

    using namespace std;

    int main()
    string s1 = “Hello”;
    string s2;
    getline( cin, s2 );
    cout << s1 + s2;
    return( 0 );

    • It prints: Helloworld
    • It prints: Hello
    • It prints: world
    • Compilation error
  10. What is the output of the program?

    #include <iostream>
    #include <string>

    using namespace std;

    struct t
    int tab[2];

    class First
    struct t u;
    First() {[0] = 1;[1] = 0;
    void Print(){
    cout <<[0] << ” ” <<[1];

    int main()
    First t;

    • It prints: 2 2
    • It prints: 1 1
    • It prints: 1 0
    • It prints: 0 0
  11. What happens when you attempt to compile and run the following code?

    #include <iostream>
    #include <sstream>
    #include <string>

    using namespace std;

    int main(void)
    string s;
    s = “Test”;
    s.resize (s.size() ? 1);
    cout<<s<<” “<<s.size();

    return 0;

    • It prints: Test 4
    • It prints: Test 3
    • Compilation error
    • It prints: Tes 3
  12. What happens when you attempt to compile and run the following code?

    #include <iostream>

    using namespace std;

    class A
    virtual void Print(){ cout<<“A”;}
    class B:public A
    void Print(){ cout<< “B”;}
    int main()
    A *obj;
    A ob1;
    obj = &ob1;
    B ob2;
    obj = &ob2;

    • It prints: AB
    • It prints: AA
    • It prints: BA
    • It prints: BB
  13. What happens when you attempt to compile and run the following code?

    #include <iostream>
    #include <string>

    using namespace std;

    class First
    string *s;
    First() { s = new string(“Text”);}
    ~First() { delete s;}
    void Print(){ cout<<*s;}
    int main()
    First FirstObject;

    • It prints: Text
    • Compilation error
    • Runtime error.
    • None of these
  14. What happens when you attempt to compile and run the following code?

    #include <iostream>

    using namespace std;

    #include <iostream>

    using namespace std;

    class First
    void Print(){ cout<<“from First”;}

    int main()
    First t[2];
    for (int i=0; i<2; i++)

    • It prints: from First
    • It prints: from Firstfrom First
    • Compilation error
    • Runtime error.
  15. What happens when you attempt to compile and run the following code?

    #include <iostream>
    #include <string>
    using namespace std;

    class A {
    A() { cout << “A no parameters”;}
    A(string s) { cout << “A string parameter”;}
    A(A &a) { cout << “A object A parameter”;}

    class B : public A {
    B() { cout << “B no parameters”;}
    B(string s) { cout << “B string parameter”;}
    B(int s) { cout << “B int parameter”;}

    int main () {
    A a2(“Test”);
    B b1(10);
    B b2(b1);
    return 0;

    • It prints: A no parametersA no parametersB string parameter
    • It prints: A string parameterA no parametersB int parameterA object A parameter
    • It prints: A no parametersB string parameter
    • It prints: A no parametersA no parameters
  16. What happens when you attempt to compile and run the following code?

    #include <iostream>
    using namespace std;

    class A {
    int x;
    A() { x=0;}

    class B : public A {
    B() { x=1;}

    class C : private B {
    C() { x=2;}

    int main () {
    C c1;
    cout << c1.x;
    return 0;

    • It prints: 210
    • It prints: 110
    • It prints: 010
    • Compilation error
  17. What happens when you attempt to compile and run the following code?

    #include <iostream>

    using namespace std;

    int op(int x, int y);

    int main()
    float *pf;
    float f=0.9;
    cout << op(1, *pf);
    return 0;

    int op(int x, int y)
    return x*y;

    • It prints: 0
    • It prints: 0.5
    • It prints: 1
    • It prints: ?1
  18. What happens when you attempt to compile and run the following code?

    #include <iostream>
    #include <string>
    using namespace std;

    class A {
    int x;

    class B : public A {
    B() { x=1;}
    B(int x) {this?>x = x;}

    int main () {
    B c1;
    B c2(10);
    cout << c1.x;
    cout << c2.x;
    return 0;


    • It prints: 010
    • It prints: 110
    • It prints: 00
    • It prints: 1
  19. What happens when you attempt to compile and run the following code?

    #include <iostream>
    using namespace std;

    class A {
    void Print(){ cout<<“A”; }
    class B:public A {
    virtual void Print(){ cout<< “B”; }
    class C:public B {
    void Print(){ cout<< “C”; }
    int main()
    A ob1;
    B ob2;
    C ob3;
    A *obj;
    obj = &ob1;
    obj = &ob2;
    obj = &ob3;

    • It prints: BBB
    • It prints: AAA
    • It prints: ABC
    • It prints: ABB
  20. What happens when you attempt to compile and run the following code?

    #include <iostream>
    using namespace std;
    int x=5;
    static int y=0;

    void myFunction(int a)

    int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
    int i=0;

    cout<<y<<” “<<x;

    • It prints: 0 5
    • It prints: 5 1
    • It prints: 1 5
    • It prints: 5 0