CPA – Programming Essentials in C++ InfraExam C++ Institute 1 mins read June 12, 2024 CPA – Programming Essentials in C++ C++ Essentials 1: BASICS Introduction to computer programming, variables, comments, basic I/O operations, flow control (if) CPPE1 M1 Test Advanced flow control (if, else, switch; loops) and data aggregates CPPE1 M2 Test Extending expressive power: pointers, functions, and memory CPPE1 M3 Test Accessing data: arrays of pointers, conversions, strings, namespaces, and exceptions CPPE1 M4 Test C++ Essentials CPPE1: Part 1 Summary Test C++ Essentials 2: INTERMEDIATE Object-oriented programming essentials (classes, objects, inheritance) CPPE2 M1 Test Inheritance CPPE2 M2 Test Exceptions CPPE2 M3 Test Operators and ennumerated types CPPE2 M4 Test C++ Essentials CPPE2: Part 2 Summary Test C++ Essentials – Final Test