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  • Post category:Blog
  • Reading time:2 mins read
  • Post last modified:June 12, 2024

Designing a ZPF requires several steps. Which step involves dictating the number of devices between most-secure and least-secure zones and determining redundant devices?

  • determine the zones
  • establish policies between zones
  • design the physical infrastructure
  • identify subsets within zones and merge traffic requirements
    Answers Explanation & Hints:
    Designing ZPFs involves several steps:
    Step 1 . Determine the zones – The administrator focuses on the separation of the network into zones. Zones establish the security borders of a network.
    Step 2 . Establish policies between zones – For each pair of “source-destination” zones, define the sessions that clients in the source zones can request from servers in destination zones.
    Step 3 . Design the physical infrastructure – After the zones have been identified, and the traffic requirements between them documented, the administrator must design the physical infrastructure. This includes dictating the number of devices between most-secure and least-secure zones and determining redundant devices.
    Step 4 . Identify subsets within zones and merge traffic requirements – For each firewall device in the design, the administrator must identify zone subsets that are connected to its interfaces and merge the traffic requirements for those zones.
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