312-50v11 : Certified Ethical Hacker v11 Exam : Part 08

  1. Alice, a professional hacker, targeted an organization’s cloud services. She infiltrated the target’s MSP provider by sending spear-phishing emails and distributed custom-made malware to compromise user accounts and gain remote access to the cloud service. Further, she accessed the target customer profiles with her MSP account, compressed the customer data, and stored them in the MSP. Then, she used this information to launch further attacks on the target organization.

    Which of the following cloud attacks did Alice perform in the above scenario?

    • Cloud cryptojacking
    • Man-in-the-cloud (MITC) attack
    • Cloud hopper attack
    • Cloudborne attack
  2. John, a professional hacker, targeted an organization that uses LDAP for accessing distributed directory services. He used an automated tool to anonymously query the LDAP service for sensitive information such as usernames, addresses, departmental details, and server names to launch further attacks on the target organization.

    What is the tool employed by John to gather information from the LDAP service?

    • ike-scan
    • Zabasearch
    • JXplorer
    • EarthExplorer
  3. Richard, an attacker, targets an MNC. In this process, he uses a footprinting technique to gather as much information as possible. Using this technique, he gathers domain information such as the target domain name, contact details of its owner, expiry date, and creation date. With this information, he creates a map of the organization’s network and misleads domain owners with social engineering to obtain internal details of its network.

    What type of footprinting technique is employed by Richard?

    • VoIP footprinting
    • Email footprinting
    • Whois footprinting
    • VPN footprinting
  4. Johnson, an attacker, performed online research for the contact details of reputed cybersecurity firms. He found the contact number of sibertech.org and dialed the number, claiming himself to represent a technical support team from a vendor. He warned that a specific server is about to be compromised and requested sibertech.org to follow the provided instructions. Consequently, he prompted the victim to execute unusual commands and install malicious files, which were then used to collect and pass critical information to Johnson’s machine.

    What is the social engineering technique Steve employed in the above scenario?

    • Diversion theft
    • Quid pro quo
    • Elicitation
    • Phishing
  5. In an attempt to increase the security of your network, you implement a solution that will help keep your wireless network undiscoverable and accessible only to those that know it.

    How do you accomplish this?

    • Delete the wireless network
    • Lock all users
    • Disable SSID broadcasting
    • Remove all passwords
  6. Jane invites her friends Alice and John over for a LAN party. Alice and John access Jane’s wireless network without a password. However, Jane has a long, complex password on her router. What attack has likely occurred?

    • Wardriving
    • Wireless sniffing
    • Evil twin
    • Piggybacking
  7. To create a botnet, the attacker can use several techniques to scan vulnerable machines. The attacker first collects information about a large number of vulnerable machines to create a list. Subsequently, they infect the machines. The list is divided by assigning half of the list to the newly compromised machines. The scanning process runs simultaneously. This technique ensures the spreading and installation of malicious code in little time.

    Which technique is discussed here?

    • Subnet scanning technique
    • Permutation scanning technique
    • Hit-list scanning technique.
    • Topological scanning technique
  8. Louis, a professional hacker, had used specialized tools or search engines to encrypt all his browsing activity and navigate anonymously to obtain sensitive/hidden information about official government or federal databases. After gathering the information, he successfully performed an attack on the target government organization without being traced.

    Which of the following techniques is described in the above scenario?

    • Website footprinting
    • Dark web footprinting
    • VPN footprinting
    • VoIP footprinting
  9. An organization is performing a vulnerability assessment for mitigating threats. James, a pen tester, scanned the organization by building an inventory of the protocols found on the organization’s machines to detect which ports are attached to services such as an email server, a web server, or a database server. After identifying the services, he selected the vulnerabilities on each machine and started executing only the relevant tests.

    What is the type of vulnerability assessment solution that James employed in the above scenario?

    • Service-based solutions
    • Product-based solutions
    • Tree-based assessment
    • Inference-based assessment
  10. Dorian is sending a digitally signed email to Poly. With which key is Dorian signing this message and how is Poly validating it?

    • Dorian is signing the message with his public key, and Poly will verify that the message came from Dorian by using Dorian’s private key.
    • Dorian is signing the message with Poly’s private key, and Poly will verify that the message came from Dorian by using Dorian’s public key.
    • Dorian is signing the message with his private key, and Poly will verify that the message came from Dorian by using Dorian’s public key.
    • Dorian is signing the message with Poly’s public key, and Poly will verify that the message came from Dorian by using Dorian’s public key.
  11. At what stage of the cyber kill chain theory model does data exfiltration occur?

    • Weaponization
    • Actions on objectives
    • Command and control
    • Installation
  12. Heather’s company has decided to use a new customer relationship management tool. After performing the appropriate research, they decided to purchase a subscription to a cloud-hosted solution. The only administrative task that Heather will need to perform is the management of user accounts. The provider will take care of the hardware, operating system, and software administration including patching and monitoring.

    Which of the following is this type of solution?

    • Iaas
    • Saas
    • PaaS
    • Caas
  13. By performing a penetration test, you gained access under a user account. During the test, you established a connection with your own machine via the SMB service and occasionally entered your login and password in plaintext.

    Which file do you have to clean to clear the password?

    • .xsession-log
    • .profile
    • .bashrc
    • .bash_history
  14. Infecting a system with malware and using phishing to gain credentials to a system or web application are examples of which phase of the ethical hacking methodology?

    • Scanning
    • Gaining access
    • Maintaining access
    • Reconnaissance
  15. John is investigating web-application firewall logs and observers that someone is attempting to inject the following:

    char buff[10];
    buff[10] = ‘a’;

    What type of attack is this?

    • SQL injection
    • Buffer overflow
    • CSRF
    • XSS
  16. Mr. Omkar performed tool-based vulnerability assessment and found two vulnerabilities. During analysis, he found that these issues are not true vulnerabilities.

    What will you call these issues?

    • False positives
    • True negatives
    • True positives
    • False negativesac
  17. Which file is a rich target to discover the structure of a website during web-server footprinting?

    • domain.txt
    • Robots.txt
    • Document root
    • index.html
  18. What is the common name for a vulnerability disclosure program opened by companies in platforms such as HackerOne?

    • White-hat hacking program
    • Bug bounty program
    • Ethical hacking program
    • Vulnerability hunting program
  19. There are multiple cloud deployment options depending on how isolated a customer’s resources are from those of other customers. Shared environments share the costs and allow each customer to enjoy lower operations expenses. One solution is for a customer to join with a group of users or organizations to share a cloud environment.

    What is this cloud deployment option called?

    • Private
    • Community
    • Public
    • Hybrid
  20. Andrew is an Ethical Hacker who was assigned the task of discovering all the active devices hidden by a restrictive firewall in the IPv4 range in a given target network.

    Which of the following host discovery techniques must he use to perform the given task?

    • UDP scan
    • ARP ping scan
    • ACK flag probe scan
    • TCP Maimon scan
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