1.1.3 Exercise 1 Exam Answers – English for IT 1 Module 1 100%

These are questions and answers to English for IT 1 Module 1 – 1.1.3 Exercise 1 Exam Answers 100% in 2023 by Cisco SkillsForAll with clear explanations.

  1. ………. that user flows should be presented with more detail to avoid losing customer attention.

    • It has understood
    • It understands
    • It is understood
      Explanation & Hint:

      In the context you’ve provided, the best choice to convey the idea clearly and in a passive voice is:

      “It is understood that user flows should be presented with more detail to avoid losing customer attention.”

      This construction clearly indicates that the understanding is general or widespread, without specifying who does the understanding, which is typical of the passive voice. It is formal and fits well in written reports, presentations, or discussions about best practices in design, customer experience, or similar fields.

  2. Single sign-on functionality ………. to be a standard for identity providers.

    • it is considered
    • considered
    • is considered
    • Explanation & Hint:

      Exactly, using “is considered” in that sentence keeps the statement general and passive, indicating a widely held belief or standard without attributing the opinion to any specific individual or group. It’s a common and effective way to express such ideas, especially in contexts where you want to present something as an accepted norm or consensus.

  3. It was our goal ………. at the end of the month, but I’d suggest keeping a balance between delivery and meeting customer needs.

    • to release it
    • released
    • to be released
    • Explanation & Hint:

      The most fitting and grammatically correct choice for your sentence is:

      “It was our goal to release it at the end of the month, but I’d suggest keeping a balance between delivery and meeting customer needs.”

      This construction maintains a clear and direct expression of intention regarding the goal, while also smoothly transitioning into the suggestion that follows. It emphasizes the proactive action that was intended, fitting well with the context of setting goals and making plans.

  4. The feedback ………. show that demand for UX improvements has increased.

    • expects to
    • expected to
    • is expected to
    • Explanation & Hint:

      That’s right! Framing the sentence this way not only clarifies the initial intention but also introduces a consideration for flexibility in planning. It’s effective for conveying both the ambition behind the goal and the pragmatism in approaching its execution, which is particularly useful in discussions about project management, team objectives, or customer-focused strategies.

  5. The last option ………. the best option, as it lessens the risks.

    • is thought to be
    • is thought
    • thinks that
    • Explanation & Hint:

      The phrase “is thought to be” is commonly used to express a belief or perception held by someone or a group of people. In the given sentence, this phrase indicates that there is a general consensus or opinion that the last option is the best one because it reduces the risks involved. This implies that people believe or perceive this option to be the most favorable among the available choices due to its ability to minimize potential negative outcomes.

  6. The team ………. that the feedback results will show more demand for UX improvements.

    • knows
    • has known
    • is known
    • Explanation & Hint:

      In the sentence provided, the verb “knows” is the most appropriate choice to fill in the blank. Here’s why:

      1. “Knows” is in the present tense, which is suitable for describing something that is currently true or ongoing. In this case, the team currently possesses knowledge or awareness regarding the expected feedback results.
      2. “Has known” is in the present perfect tense, which typically refers to actions or events that started in the past and continue into the present. However, in this context, it doesn’t make sense to use the present perfect tense because the sentence is discussing the team’s current knowledge or expectation about future feedback results.
      3. “Is known” is in the passive voice, which means that the subject receives the action rather than performing it. However, in this sentence, the team is the one possessing the knowledge, so the active voice (“knows”) is more appropriate.

      Therefore, the most suitable option to complete the sentence is “The team knows that the feedback results will show more demand for UX improvements.” This indicates that the team is currently aware or certain about the anticipated outcome of the feedback.

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