1.1.4 Exercise 2 Exam Answers – English for IT 1 Module 1 100%

These are questions and answers to English for IT 1 Module 1 – 1.1.4 Exercise 2 Exam Answers 100% in 2024 by Cisco SkillsForAll with clear explanations.

  1. The board has asked when we will deliver the supplier evaluation module to the customer, and I said ………. :

    • it is hoped to be delivering by the end of March at the latest.
    • we are hoping to deliver it by the end of March at the latest.
    • the module is reported to be delivered by the end of March at the latest.
      Explanation & Hint:

      “It is hoped to be delivered by the end of March at the latest.”

      • This sentence uses passive voice, which can sound less direct and less certain. The phrase “It is hoped” also feels somewhat detached, as it doesn’t specify who is doing the hoping.

      “We are hoping to deliver it by the end of March at the latest.”

      • This sentence uses active voice, making it clearer and more direct. By saying “We are hoping,” it shows that your team is taking responsibility and is optimistic about the delivery timeline. It is more personable and conveys a sense of commitment and involvement.

      “The module is reported to be delivered by the end of March at the latest.”

      • This sentence also uses passive voice and implies that the information is based on a report or external source. It can sound less certain and authoritative because it doesn’t directly indicate who is responsible for the delivery.

      Overall, the second option is preferred because it communicates your team’s active involvement and commitment to the delivery timeline in a clear and direct manner.

  2. The results of the customer survey should be available next week, and ………. :

    • it is expected that it will show a demand for UX improvements.
    • we expect to show demands for UX improvements.
    • it expects that the customers will be demanding improvements in UX improvements.
    • Explanation & Hint:

      “It is expected that it will show a demand for UX improvements.”

      • This sentence uses passive voice but is clear and grammatically correct. It implies a general expectation without specifying who holds this expectation, which can be appropriate in a formal context.

      “We expect to show demands for UX improvements.”

      • This sentence uses active voice but is slightly less clear because “to show demands” is not as precise. It suggests that your team is presenting the demands rather than the survey results themselves indicating the demand.

      “It expects that the customers will be demanding improvements in UX improvements.”

      • This sentence is grammatically incorrect and redundant with “improvements in UX improvements.” Additionally, “It expects” is unclear about who or what is doing the expecting.

      Overall, the first option is preferred because it clearly and correctly communicates the expected outcome of the survey results.

  3. The pandemic has had an impact on our resources, because ………. :

    • more than half the team have been absent from work.
    • it has been over half of the team absent from work.
    • it understood that half of the team are absent from work.
    • Explanation & Hint:

      “More than half the team have been absent from work.”

      • This sentence is clear, direct, and grammatically correct. It precisely communicates the extent of the absenteeism due to the pandemic.

      “It has been over half of the team absent from work.”

      • This sentence is somewhat awkward and not grammatically correct. The phrasing “It has been over half of the team” is unclear and should be restructured for better clarity.

      “It is understood that half of the team are absent from work.”

      • This sentence is grammatically correct but uses passive voice, making it less direct. Additionally, “It is understood” is somewhat vague and can imply hearsay or lack of direct knowledge.

      Overall, the first option is preferred because it communicates the information clearly and directly.

  4. Since we are at risk of not delivering the required functionality on time, ………. :

    • the last option it should be chosen as it is the safest.
    • we should choose the last option as it is known the safest choice.
    • we should choose the last option as we know it is the safest choice.
    • Explanation & Hint:

      “The last option should be chosen as it is the safest.”

      • This sentence is clear and grammatically correct. It uses passive voice, which is acceptable but less direct than active voice.

      “We should choose the last option as it is known to be the safest choice.”

      • This sentence is also clear and grammatically correct. However, “it is known to be” is slightly less direct than “we know.”

      “We should choose the last option as we know it is the safest choice.”

      • This sentence uses active voice, making it direct and clear. It indicates that the decision is based on the team’s knowledge, which adds a sense of certainty and authority.

      Overall, the third option is preferred because it communicates the information in a direct, clear, and confident manner.

  5. In a competitive market, ………. :

    • it is considered to be essential the reliable suppliers.
    • reliable suppliers are considered to be essential.
    • reliable suppliers consider them essential.
    • Explanation & Hint:

      “It is considered to be essential the reliable suppliers.”

      • This sentence is grammatically incorrect and awkwardly structured. The placement of “the reliable suppliers” at the end disrupts the flow of the sentence.

      “Reliable suppliers are considered to be essential.”

      • This sentence is clear, direct, and grammatically correct. It effectively communicates the importance of reliable suppliers in a competitive market.

      “Reliable suppliers consider them essential.”

      • This sentence is grammatically correct but unclear. It suggests that reliable suppliers consider something else to be essential, rather than highlighting the importance of reliable suppliers themselves.

      Overall, the second option is preferred because it clearly and accurately conveys the importance of reliable suppliers in a competitive market.

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