Introduction to Cybersecurity 3.0 End of Course Survey Answers Full 100% 2023 2024

Ethical Hacker 1.0 End of Course Survey Answers Full 100% 2023 2024

Introduction to Data Science 1.0 End of Course Survey Answers Full 100% 2023 2024

  1. Which of the following descriptions best characterizes you?

    • Student at a technical school
    • Student at a non-technical school
    • Instructor/Professor/Teacher
    • IT/Networking Professional
    • Entry-level IT/Networking Professional
    • Non-IT/Non-Networking Professional
    • None of the above
  2. Please choose the option below that best describes your current goal or motivation for taking this course:

    • To explore a technology career
    • To enter or advance in a technology career
    • To gain knowledge and skills that can be applied in my current or future non-technology career
    • To further my education
    • For personal use (as a hobby or for home use)
    • Other
  3. Please rate your overall experience with this course as a whole:

    • Very dissatisfied
    • Dissatisfied
    • Neutral
    • Satisfied
    • Very satisfied
  4. Please rate your confidence with the knowledge and skills you learned in this course:

    • Not at all confident
    • A little confident
    • Confident
    • Very confident
    • Completely confident
  5. Please rate your motivation to do well in this course:

    • Not at all motivated
    • Slightly motivated
    • Motivated
    • Very motivated
    • Completely motivated
  6. In thinking about the following statement, please select the answer most closely aligned to your feelings- Completing the course was worth the time and effort I invested:

    • Strongly agree
    • Agree
    • Somewhat agree
    • Disagree
    • Strongly disagree
  7. To what extent did this course help you:

    To what extent did this course help you
    To what extent did this course help you
  8. Thinking about your entire experience with Skills for All, how likely are you to recommend Skills for All to others?

    Thinking about your entire experience with Skills for All, how likely are you to recommend Skills for All to others
    Thinking about your entire experience with Skills for All, how likely are you to recommend Skills for All to others
  9. What could be improved most in Skills for All? (select one)

    • Nothing – everything is great!
    • Types of courses offered
    • Course content
    • Course activities
    • Organization
    • Ease of use
    • Mobile experience
    • Performance
    • Translation
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