Introduction to Cybersecurity 3.0 Module 1: Introduction to Cybersecurity Quiz Exam Answers Full 100% 2023 2024

  1. Cybersecurity is the ongoing effort to protect individuals, organizations and governments from digital attacks by protecting networked systems and data from unauthorized use or harm.

    What level of cyber protection does each of the following factors require?

    • Your online identity ==> Personal
    • A customer database ==> Organizational
    • Economic stabilty ==> Government

      Explanation & Hint:

      Your online identity:

      • Personal: Your personal online identity should be protected at a relatively high level. This includes using strong and unique passwords, enabling two-factor authentication (2FA) whenever possible, being cautious about sharing personal information online, and regularly monitoring your online accounts for any suspicious activities. Personal cybersecurity practices are essential to safeguard your digital identity.

      A customer database:

      • Organizational: Customer databases held by organizations should be protected at an organizational level. This entails implementing strong security measures, including encryption, access controls, regular security audits, and compliance with data protection regulations (e.g., GDPR or HIPAA). Organizations are responsible for safeguarding customer data and ensuring it is not exposed to unauthorized access or breaches.

      Economic stability:

      • Government: Economic stability, at both the national and international levels, requires a high level of cybersecurity protection. Governments are responsible for protecting critical infrastructure, financial systems, and economic stability. This protection involves implementing advanced cybersecurity measures, conducting cyber threat intelligence, and establishing international cooperation to address cyber threats that could disrupt economic stability.

      In summary, the required level of cyber protection varies based on the nature of the factor being protected. Personal online identities, customer databases, and economic stability systems each have distinct security needs, and the level of protection should be tailored accordingly.

  2. An individual user profile on a social network site is an example of an Online identity.

    Explanation & Hint:

    An individual user profile on a social network site is an example of an online identity. It represents the digital presence and persona of the user within the context of the social network, and it is distinct from their offline or real-world identity.

  3. Your neighbor tells you that they don’t have an online identity. They have no social media accounts and only use the Internet to browse. Is your neighbor right?

    • Yes
    • No

      Explanation & Hint:

      No, your neighbor is not entirely right. Even if they only use the internet to browse and do not have social media accounts, they still have a minimal online identity due to the digital traces left by their online activities.

  4. Which of the following pieces of information would be classified as personal data?

    Select three correct answers

    • Social security number
    • Driver license number
    • Date and place of birth
    • Job title
    • IP address

      Explanation & Hint:

      The following three pieces of information would be classified as personal data:

      1. Social security number: Social security numbers are considered highly sensitive personal information in many countries and are used for identification and government purposes.

      2. Driver license number: Like social security numbers, driver license numbers are unique identifiers issued by government authorities and are classified as personal data.

      3. Date and place of birth: Information about a person’s date and place of birth is considered personal data, as it can be used to identify an individual and is often used for identity verification.

      Job title and IP address are typically not considered personal data on their own, as they do not directly identify an individual. However, the classification of IP addresses may vary based on regional data protection regulations and the context in which they are used.

  5. What are the foundational principles for protecting information systems as outlined in the McCumber Cube?

    Choose three correct answers

    • Access
    • Integrity
    • Scalability
    • Availability
    • Confidentiality
    • Intervention

      Explanation & Hint:

      The McCumber Cube is a model used to assess information security in terms of three dimensions: confidentiality, integrity, and availability (often referred to as the CIA triad). So, the three foundational principles for protecting information systems according to the McCumber Cube are:

      Confidentiality: Protecting information from unauthorized access or disclosure to ensure that sensitive data remains confidential.
      Integrity: Ensuring the accuracy and reliability of data and information, as well as protecting it from unauthorized alterations.
      Availability: Ensuring that information and resources are available and accessible to authorized users when needed.
      The other options (Access, Scalability, and Intervention) are not part of the McCumber Cube’s foundational principles but may be important considerations within the broader field of information security.

  6. Which of the following methods can be used to ensure confidentiality of information?

    Choose three correct answers

    • Backup
    • Version control
    • Data encryption
    • File permission settings
    • Two-factor authentication
    • Username ID and password

      Explanation & Hint:

      To ensure the confidentiality of information, the following three methods can be used effectively:

      1. Data encryption: Data encryption involves converting information into a coded form that can only be read by someone who possesses the decryption key. It is a powerful technique to protect data from unauthorized access and maintain its confidentiality.

      2. Two-factor authentication (2FA): Two-factor authentication requires users to provide two different forms of authentication before they can access a system or account. This added layer of security enhances confidentiality by ensuring that only authorized individuals can access the information.

      3. Username ID and password: While not as strong as some other methods on their own, using a combination of a username ID and password is a common way to control access to information. However, for enhanced security, it’s often recommended to complement this with additional measures like 2FA or strong password policies.

      These methods, when used appropriately and in combination where necessary, help maintain the confidentiality of sensitive information.

  7. Why might internal security threats cause greater damage to an organization than external security threats?

    • Internal users have better hacking skills 
    • Internal users have direct access to the infrastructure devices 
    • Internal users can access the organizational data without authentication 
    • Internal users can access the infrastructure devices through the Internet

      Explanation & Hint:

      Among the options provided, the primary reason internal security threats might cause greater damage to an organization than external security threats is:

      Internal users have direct access to the infrastructure devices: Internal users, such as employees or contractors, often have legitimate access to an organization’s infrastructure devices, systems, and data as part of their job responsibilities. This direct access can make it easier for them to carry out malicious activities, such as data theft, system sabotage, or unauthorized configuration changes, without the need to breach external security measures. As a result, the potential for causing significant damage is higher when someone with authorized access turns malicious.
      The other options may also contribute to the severity of the threat, but they are not as central as having direct access to critical infrastructure devices. For example, internal users having better hacking skills or being able to access organizational data without authentication are concerning, but these factors alone do not necessarily lead to greater damage compared to having direct access to infrastructure devices. Additionally, accessing infrastructure devices through the Internet can be a concern, but it’s not exclusive to internal threats and can also apply to external threats.

  8. Which of the following is a key motivation of a white hat attacker?

    • Taking advantage of any vulnerability for illegal personal gain 
    • Fine tuning network devices to improve their performance and efficiency 
    • Studying operating systems of various platforms to develop a new system 
    • Discovering weaknesses of networks and systems to improve the security level of these systems

      Explanation & Hint:

      The key motivation of a white hat attacker is:

      Discovering weaknesses of networks and systems to improve the security level of these systems: White hat attackers, often referred to as ethical hackers or security professionals, engage in cybersecurity activities to identify vulnerabilities and weaknesses in networks and systems. Their goal is to help organizations improve their security by finding and fixing vulnerabilities before malicious hackers can exploit them. White hat attackers work with the consent and authorization of the system or network owner and have no intention of causing harm or personal gain from their actions. Their primary motivation is to enhance security and protect against potential threats.

  9. Can you identify the cyber attacker type from the following descriptions?

    • Make political statements in order to raise awareness about issues that are important to them ==> Hacktivists 
    • Gather intelligence or commit sabotage on specific goals on behalf of their government ==> State-sponsored attackers 
    • Use existing tools on the Internet to launch a cyber attack ==> Script kiddies

      Explanation & Hint:

      “Make political statements in order to raise awareness about issues that are important to them”:

      Hacktivists: Hacktivists are individuals or groups who engage in hacking activities to promote a political or social cause and raise awareness about issues important to them. They often target websites, social media accounts, or online platforms to make political statements or carry out cyber protests.
      “Gather intelligence or commit sabotage on specific goals on behalf of their government”:

      State-sponsored attackers: State-sponsored attackers are cyber threat actors who operate on behalf of a government or government agency. They are typically tasked with gathering intelligence, conducting espionage, or carrying out cyberattacks to advance their nation’s interests or security goals.
      “Use existing tools on the Internet to launch a cyber attack”:

      Script kiddies: Script kiddies are individuals with limited hacking skills who rely on pre-existing, often readily available, hacking tools and scripts to launch cyberattacks. They typically lack the deep technical knowledge and sophistication of more advanced hackers and may engage in hacking for personal amusement or minor mischief.

  10. Can you identify why each of the following organizations might be interested in your online identity?

    • Internet service providers ==> They may be legally required to share your online information with government surveillance agencies or authorities
    • Advertisers ==> To monitor your online activities and send targeted ads your way
    • Social media platforms ==> To gather information based on your online activity, which is then shared with or sold to advertisers for a profit
    • Websites ==> To track your activities using cookies in order to provide a more personalized experience

      Explanation & Hint:

      Internet service providers: They may be legally required to share your online information with government surveillance agencies or authorities. Internet service providers, in some cases, are subject to legal requirements to share user data for national security or law enforcement purposes.

      Advertisers: To monitor your online activities and send targeted ads your way. Advertisers are interested in your online identity to collect data about your interests and preferences, allowing them to deliver personalized advertisements to you.

      Social media platforms: To gather information based on your online activity, which is then shared with or sold to advertisers for a profit. Social media platforms often collect extensive data on user behavior and may share or sell this data to advertisers to support their advertising revenue model.

      Websites: To track your activities using cookies in order to provide a more personalized experience. Many websites use cookies and other tracking technologies to understand how you interact with their content and provide a tailored browsing experience.

  11. Which of the following methods is used to check the integrity of data?

    • Backup 
    • Hashes or checksums 
    • Encryption 
    • Authentication

      Explanation & Hint:

      The method used to check the integrity of data is:

      Hashes or checksums: Hashes or checksums are used to verify the integrity of data. A hash function generates a fixed-length string of characters (the hash) from the original data. If the data is modified in any way, even a small change, the resulting hash will be different. By comparing the computed hash with the original hash (stored securely), you can detect whether the data has been tampered with or is still intact. This method is commonly used in data integrity checks and file verification processes.

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