Introduction to Cybersecurity 3.0 Module 4: Protecting the Organization Quiz Exam Answers Full 100% 2023 2024

  1. ‘Today, there are single security appliances that will solve all the network security needs of an organization.’

    Is this statement true or false?

    • True
    • False
      Explanation & Hint:

      The statement is false. While there are advanced security appliances and solutions that can address many of an organization’s network security needs, no single security appliance can comprehensively solve all network security requirements. Network security is a complex and multifaceted issue that involves various aspects such as firewalls, intrusion detection and prevention systems, antivirus software, encryption, access control, and more. A layered approach to network security, using multiple tools and strategies, is typically necessary to provide adequate protection against a wide range of threats and vulnerabilities.

  2. Which of the following tools can be used to provide a list of open ports on network devices?

    • Nmap
    • Tracert
    • Whois
    • Ping
      Explanation & Hint:

      Nmap is the tool that can be used to provide a list of open ports on network devices. Nmap (Network Mapper) is a popular and powerful network scanning tool that can be used to discover and analyze open ports, services, and other network-related information on remote hosts. It is commonly used for network reconnaissance and security assessments. Tracert, Whois, and Ping serve different purposes and are not primarily used for listing open ports. Tracert is used to trace the route packets take to reach a destination, Whois is used to query domain registration information, and Ping is used to check the availability of a host on a network.

  3. Which of the following tools can perform real-time traffic and port analysis, and can also detect port scans, fingerprinting and buffer overflow attacks?

    • SIEM
    • Nmap
    • NetFlow
    • Snort
      Explanation & Hint:

      Snort is the tool that can perform real-time traffic and port analysis and can also detect port scans, fingerprinting, and buffer overflow attacks. Snort is an open-source intrusion detection system (IDS) and intrusion prevention system (IPS) that is widely used for network security monitoring. It can analyze network traffic, detect suspicious activities, and trigger alerts based on predefined rules. Snort is particularly effective at identifying various network-based attacks, including port scans, fingerprinting, and buffer overflow attempts. SIEM (Security Information and Event Management), on the other hand, is a broader security solution that can collect and analyze security-related data but may not be as specialized as Snort in detecting specific network-level attacks. Nmap is a network scanning tool, and NetFlow is a protocol used for network traffic monitoring and analysis but is not typically used for intrusion detection and prevention.

  4. What tool can identify malicious traffic by comparing packet contents to known attack signatures?

    • IDS
    • NetFlow
    • Zenmap
    • Nmap
      Explanation & Hint:

      The tool that can identify malicious traffic by comparing packet contents to known attack signatures is an Intrusion Detection System (IDS). An IDS monitors network traffic for signs of suspicious or malicious activity by comparing the packet contents and patterns to known attack signatures or behavioral anomalies. It can trigger alerts or take actions to protect the network when it identifies potentially harmful traffic. NetFlow is a protocol used for network traffic monitoring but does not specifically compare packet contents to known attack signatures. Zenmap is a graphical user interface (GUI) for Nmap, a network scanning tool, and is not designed for signature-based intrusion detection.

  5. What is the last stage of a pen test?

    • Maintaining access
    • Scanning
    • Gathering target information
    • Analysis and reporting
      Explanation & Hint:

      The last stage of a penetration test (pen test) is “Analysis and reporting.” In this stage, the penetration tester or ethical hacker compiles all the information and data gathered during the test, analyzes the results, and prepares a comprehensive report. This report typically includes details about vulnerabilities discovered, their potential impact, and recommendations for remediation or mitigation. It serves as a critical deliverable for the organization being tested and helps them understand their security weaknesses and take appropriate actions to improve their security posture.

  6. What protocol is used to collect information about traffic traversing a network?

    • Telnet
    • NetFlow
    • NAT
    • HTTPS
      Explanation & Hint:

      The protocol used to collect information about traffic traversing a network is “NetFlow.” NetFlow is a network protocol developed by Cisco that allows for the collection and monitoring of network traffic data. It provides information about the source and destination of network packets, the volume of data transferred, the time of transmission, and other details that are essential for network traffic analysis and monitoring. This information is valuable for network administrators and security professionals in understanding and managing network traffic. Telnet, NAT (Network Address Translation), and HTTPS serve different purposes and are not primarily used for collecting traffic information in the same way that NetFlow does.

  7. The risk management process consists of four steps. Can you put these in the right order?

    • 1. Frame the risk
    • 2. Assess the risk
    • 3. Respond to the risk
    • 4. Monitor the risk
      Explanation & Hint:

      The correct order of the four steps in the risk management process is as follows:

      1. Frame the risk
      2. Assess the risk
      3. Respond to the risk
      4. Monitor the risk
  8. What is the main aim of a Cyber Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT)?

    • To provide guidance on the implementation of safeguards and personnel training
    • To help ensure organization, system and data preservation by performing investigations into computer security incidents
    • To help client organizations improve their incident management capabilities
    • To enforce access to network resources by creating role-based control policies
      Explanation & Hint:

      The main aim of a Cyber Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT) is:

      “To help ensure organization, system, and data preservation by performing investigations into computer security incidents.”

      CSIRTs are responsible for detecting, mitigating, and responding to cybersecurity incidents and threats in an organization. This includes investigating incidents, preserving evidence, and taking actions to contain and recover from security breaches or attacks. While other options like providing guidance on safeguards and personnel training, helping client organizations improve their incident management capabilities, and enforcing access control policies are important aspects of cybersecurity, the primary role of a CSIRT is to respond to and investigate security incidents.

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