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  • Post last modified:June 12, 2024

Match the alert classification to the description.

CCST Junior Cybersecurity Analyst Career Path Final Exam Answers 04
CCST Junior Cybersecurity Analyst Career Path Final Exam Answers 04
  • a verified alert indicating an actual security incident ==> true positive
  • there is no alert issued and benign normal traffic is correctly ignored ==> true negative
  • an alert which does not indicate an actual security incident ==> false positive
  • there is no alert issued, however exploits are occurring undetected ==> false netgative
Explanation & Hint:

Place the options in the following order:

An alert which does not indicate an actual security incident !1 positive
There is no alert issued and benign normal traffic is correctly ignored !0 negative
There is no alert issued,however exploits are occurring undetected !1 negative
A verified alert indicating an actual security incident !0 positive

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