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  • Reading time:2 mins read
  • Post last modified:June 12, 2024

Performing the operation: let x = "Alice" + 10; will result in:

  • the program execution to abort due to an error.
  • the value NaN of Number type to be stored in the variable x .
  • the value 15 of Number type to be stored in the variable x .
  • the value "Alice10" of String type to be stored in the variable x .
Answers Explanation & Hints:

In JavaScript, when you use the + operator with a string and a number, the number is implicitly converted to a string, and the concatenation of the two values is performed.

In the code snippet let x = "Alice" + 10;, the string “Alice” is concatenated with the number 10. The result of this operation is the string “Alice10”, which is then stored in the variable x.

For more Questions and Answers:

JavaScipt Essentials 1 (JSE) | JSE1 – Module 2 Test Exam Answers Full 100%

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