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  • Post last modified:June 12, 2024

Review the columns and descriptions in each table, Movie, and Award. Data from the two tables need to be combined to extract the title and cost of movies that won awards. Can a NATURAL JOIN be used to accomplish the desired result?

Movie table:
MovieID– primary key
Title– name of the movie
Date– date the movie was released
Cost– total cost of production

Award table:
AwardID– primary key
MovieID– foreign key
Category– award category
Name– name of the award
Date: day the award was received

  • Yes, because both tables have two common columns.
  • Yes, because both tables have the MovieID column.
  • No, because the Date column contains different data types in each table.
  • No, because an OUTER JOIN should be used to extract all of the information.
Answers Explanation & Hints:

NATURAL JOIN will implicitly join the two tables on any columns in both tables that have the same name and data type. A natural join will not be successful in this case because the DATE column does not have the same meaning in both tables. Care must be taken if a natural join is used to ensure that columns with the same name and data type contain the same information.

For more Questions and Answers:

7.5.2 Module 7 Quiz – Introduction to Structured Queries Exam Answers Full 100%

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