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  • Post last modified:June 12, 2024

Session data provides the IP 5-tuple that is associated with an HTTP connection, along with byte counts, packet counts, and a time stamp. What three additional transaction data types can be obtained from a proxy server log? (Choose three.)

  • MAC address of the client
  • URL requested by the client
  • HTTP server response code
  • PCAP associated with the session
  • network path that is traversed by the session
  • client user agent string
Explanation & Hint:

From a proxy server log, in addition to session data like the IP 5-tuple, byte counts, packet counts, and a timestamp, the three additional transaction data types that can often be obtained are:

  1. URL requested by the client: Proxy server logs typically record the URLs that clients request. This information is essential for understanding what web resources are being accessed through the proxy.
  2. HTTP server response code: These logs usually include the HTTP response codes sent from the web server to the client. These codes provide insights into the status of the HTTP requests, such as whether they were successful, redirected, or resulted in an error.
  3. Client user agent string: The proxy log often contains the user agent string of the client, which indicates the type of web browser or other client software that made the request. This information can be used to identify the software and potentially its version, which can be important for various analyses, including security assessments.

Other options like the MAC address of the client, PCAP associated with the session, and network path traversed by the session are not typically included in proxy server logs. Proxy logs are more focused on the web transaction level rather than the network infrastructure level or detailed packet captures.

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