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  • Reading time:1 mins read
  • Post last modified:June 12, 2024

………. that user flows should be presented with more detail to avoid losing customer attention.

  • It has understood
  • It understands
  • It is understood
Explanation & Hint:

In the context you’ve provided, the best choice to convey the idea clearly and in a passive voice is:

“It is understood that user flows should be presented with more detail to avoid losing customer attention.”

This construction clearly indicates that the understanding is general or widespread, without specifying who does the understanding, which is typical of the passive voice. It is formal and fits well in written reports, presentations, or discussions about best practices in design, customer experience, or similar fields.

For more Questions and Answers:

1.1.3 Exercise 1 Exam Answers – English for IT 1 Module 1 100%

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