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  • Post category:Blog
  • Reading time:2 mins read
  • Post last modified:June 12, 2024

The alert verdict and the closing notes are usually also visible to the external stakeholders as part of which one of these?

  • SOC Periodic Performance Operations Report
  • SOC Dashboard
  • SOC day-to-day communications with the stakeholder
  • SOC annual report
Explanation & Hint:

The alert verdict and closing notes are typically included in the SOC Periodic Performance Operations Report. This type of report is usually shared with external stakeholders to provide insights into the SOC’s performance, including the outcomes of incident investigations and the effectiveness of the response.

While a SOC Dashboard might also display such information, it is often a real-time or near-real-time tool primarily used by internal security teams for ongoing situational awareness rather than for periodic reporting to external stakeholders.

Day-to-day communications with stakeholders might include high-level or specific incident details, but they would not typically include routine alert verdicts and closing notes.

An SOC annual report may contain aggregated data and analysis over the year but is less likely to contain specific alert verdicts and closing notes, which are more detailed and operational in nature.

For more Questions and Answers:

Threat Investigation Post-Assessment | CBROPS

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