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  • Post last modified:June 12, 2024

The confirm method allows you to create a dialog box. What value does this method return when the user closes the window?

  • Always true.
  • Always false.
  • The string entered by the user.
  • It depends on the option selected by the user.
Answers Explanation & Hints:

The confirm method in JavaScript allows you to create a dialog box with an OK and Cancel button. When the user interacts with the dialog box, the method returns a boolean value that indicates the user’s choice.

Specifically, when the user closes the window or clicks on either the OK or Cancel button in the dialog box, the confirm method will return true if the user clicked on OK, and false if the user clicked on Cancel or closed the window.

So, the correct answer is: It depends on the option selected by the user.

Here’s an example to demonstrate the usage of the confirm method:

let result = confirm("Are you sure you want to proceed?");

In this example, a confirm dialog box with the message “Are you sure you want to proceed?” is displayed. If the user clicks on OK, the value of result will be true. If the user clicks on Cancel or closes the window, the value of result will be false. The output will reflect the user’s choice.

Therefore, the return value of the confirm method depends on the option selected by the user.

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