Threat Response Post-Assessment | CBROPS 2023 2024

  1. What is the first phase in the incident response life cycle?

    • identification
    • containment
    • preparation
    • reporting
      Explanation & Hint:

      The first phase in the incident response life cycle is Preparation. This phase involves establishing and developing an incident response capability, which includes creating policies, defining roles and responsibilities, setting up communication plans, and ensuring that the necessary tools and resources are in place to handle a potential incident effectively. Preparation is key to ensuring a swift and effective response when a security incident occurs.

  2. During incident classification, cross-site scripting attacks can be classified as which type of attack?

    • improper usage
    • attrition
    • email
    • web
      Explanation & Hint:

      During incident classification, cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks are typically classified as Web attacks. This classification is due to the nature of XSS attacks, which involve injecting malicious scripts into web pages viewed by other users. These attacks exploit vulnerabilities in web applications, particularly those that do not properly sanitize user input. The classification as a web attack highlights the specific context and method of the attack, which is centered around web-based technology and interactions.

  3. What does the CSIRT incident response provider usually do?

    • provides incident handling services to their parent organization
    • handles reports of vulnerabilities in their software or hardware products
    • offers incident handling services as a for-fee service to other organizations
      Explanation & Hint:

      A CSIRT (Computer Security Incident Response Team) incident response provider typically has one or more of the following roles, depending on its structure and the nature of its parent organization:

      1. Provides Incident Handling Services to Their Parent Organization: Most commonly, a CSIRT is established within an organization to handle security incidents that affect that organization’s own networks and systems. The team is responsible for detecting, analyzing, mitigating, and recovering from security incidents within the organization.
      2. Handles Reports of Vulnerabilities in Their Software or Hardware Products: Some CSIRTs, particularly those within organizations that develop software or hardware products, are responsible for managing reports of vulnerabilities in their products. They work on assessing the reported vulnerabilities, developing patches or mitigations, and communicating with users and stakeholders about the issue and the available fixes.
      3. Offers Incident Handling Services as a For-Fee Service to Other Organizations: Certain CSIRTs operate as part of a business model where they offer their incident response expertise as a service to other organizations. This can include private sector companies, government entities, or non-profit organizations that do not have their own in-house incident response capabilities. These services are typically provided for a fee.

      The specific role of a CSIRT can vary widely based on the needs and structure of the organization it serves. Some teams may focus on only one of these areas, while others might cover multiple aspects.

  4. What does the CSIRT incident analysis center usually do?

    • provide incident handling services to a country
    • coordinate and facilitate the handling of incidents across various CSIRTs
    • focus on synthesizing data from various sources to determine trends and patterns in incident activity
      Explanation & Hint:

      The CSIRT incident analysis center typically focuses on synthesizing data from various sources to determine trends and patterns in incident activity. This role involves collecting, analyzing, and correlating information from multiple sources to identify larger trends, emerging threats, and vulnerabilities. The goal is to gain a broader understanding of the security landscape, which can inform proactive measures and strategies for dealing with cyber threats more effectively. This type of center plays a crucial role in the broader cybersecurity ecosystem by providing insights that can be used for improving defenses and preparing for future threats.

  5. Match the CSIRT category to its function.

    • handles reports of vulnerabilities in their software or hardware products ==> vendor teams
    • provides incident handling services to a country ==> national CSIRT
    • coordinates and facilitates the handling of incidents across various CSIRTs ==> coordination centers
    • provides incident handling services to their parent organization such as a bank, a manufacturing company, a university, or a federal agency ==> internal CSIRT
      Explanation & Hint:

      Here’s the matching of the CSIRT categories to their functions:

      1. Handles reports of vulnerabilities in their software or hardware products ==> Vendor Teams: These teams are responsible for addressing vulnerabilities in the products their company develops or manufactures.
      2. Provides incident handling services to a country ==> National CSIRT: This type of CSIRT offers services at a national level, dealing with cybersecurity incidents that impact the security of the country.
      3. Coordinates and facilitates the handling of incidents across various CSIRTs ==> Coordination Centers: These centers are pivotal in managing communication and coordination among various CSIRTs, especially in handling widespread or complex incidents.
      4. Provides incident handling services to their parent organization such as a bank, a manufacturing company, a university, or a federal agency ==> Internal CSIRT: This CSIRT operates within an organization, managing and responding to incidents that affect the organization directly.
  6. Match the function of the CSIRT incident handling service with its description.

    • is a single point of contact and the focal point for accepting, collecting, sorting, ordering, and passing on incoming information for the service ==> Triage Function
    • provides support and guidance that is related to suspected or confirmed computer security incidents, threats, and attacks ==> Handling Function
    • provides at least a minimum set of support for frequently asked questions and might be seen as an interface for media requests or input to the CSIRT at large ==> Feedback Function
    • generates information that is tailored for the constituency in various formats to disclose details of ongoing threats ==> Optional Announcement Function
      Explanation & Hint:

      Here’s the matching of the functions of CSIRT incident handling services with their descriptions:

      1. Is a single point of contact and the focal point for accepting, collecting, sorting, ordering, and passing on incoming information for the service ==> Triage Function: This function is responsible for the initial assessment and categorization of incoming information, acting as a central point for managing the flow of incident-related data.
      2. Provides support and guidance that is related to suspected or confirmed computer security incidents, threats, and attacks ==> Handling Function: This function involves the direct response to incidents, offering expertise and action in managing and mitigating security events.
      3. Provides at least a minimum set of support for frequently asked questions and might be seen as an interface for media requests or input to the CSIRT at large ==> Feedback Function: This service offers a platform for addressing common queries and serves as a point of communication for broader engagement, including media interaction.
      4. Generates information that is tailored for the constituency in various formats to disclose details of ongoing threats ==> Optional Announcement Function: This function focuses on disseminating information about threats and incidents to the relevant audience, often in a variety of formats to ensure broad understanding and awareness.
  7. Which of the following aims to protect credit card holder account data?

    • PCI DSS
    • HIPAA
    • SOX
    • Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act
      Explanation & Hint:

      The standard that aims to protect credit card holder account data is PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard). This standard provides a framework of technical and operational requirements designed to protect cardholder data that is processed, stored, or transmitted by entities involved in payment card processing. PCI DSS is applicable to all organizations that handle credit card information from major card brands.

  8. Which four options are part of the CSIRT framework? (Choose four.)

    • mission statement
    • constituency
    • compliance
    • organization structure
    • relationships
    • feedback
      Explanation & Hint:

      The four options that are part of the CSIRT (Computer Security Incident Response Team) framework are:

      1. Mission Statement: This defines the primary goals and objectives of the CSIRT. It outlines the scope of the team’s activities and its role within the organization or community it serves.
      2. Constituency: This refers to the specific group of individuals, organizations, or systems that the CSIRT is responsible for protecting. Understanding the constituency helps the CSIRT to tailor its services and response strategies effectively.
      3. Organization Structure: This pertains to how the CSIRT is structured within its parent organization or as a standalone entity. It includes the team’s hierarchy, roles, and responsibilities.
      4. Relationships: This involves the CSIRT’s connections and interactions with other entities, such as other CSIRTs, law enforcement, regulatory bodies, and stakeholders. Effective relationships are crucial for information sharing, collaboration, and coordinated response to incidents.
  9. Organizations that are trying to share information with external organizations should also consult with which department before initiating any coordination efforts?

    • IT
    • legal
    • human resources
    • engineering
      Explanation & Hint:

      Organizations that are planning to share information with external entities should consult with their Legal department before initiating any coordination efforts. The legal department can provide guidance on compliance with laws and regulations, ensure that information sharing agreements protect the organization’s interests, and help navigate any potential legal risks associated with the sharing of sensitive or confidential information.

  10. Which three options are elements of an incident response policy? (Choose three.)

    • buy-in from senior management
    • SOC, NOC, and IT capabilities to determine the structure of the incident response plan
    • metrics for measuring the incident response effectiveness
    • how to communicate with the rest of the organization, and with other organizations
    • agreement from outside organizations such as the CERT/CC
      Explanation & Hint:

      The three elements of an incident response policy are:

      1. Buy-in from Senior Management: This is crucial for the development and implementation of an effective incident response policy. Senior management support ensures that the policy has the necessary resources and authority within the organization.
      2. Metrics for Measuring the Incident Response Effectiveness: These metrics are important for assessing how well the incident response process is working. They help in identifying areas for improvement and ensuring accountability.
      3. How to Communicate with the Rest of the Organization, and with Other Organizations: This includes protocols for internal communication within the organization during an incident, as well as guidelines for external communication with other organizations, stakeholders, and possibly the public. This is essential for coordinated response and management of the incident.
  11. A security audit is an example of which CSIRT service?

    • proactive services
    • aggressive services
    • passive services
    • reactive services
    • backup services
    • restore services
      Explanation & Hint:

      A security audit is an example of Proactive Services offered by a CSIRT (Computer Security Incident Response Team). Proactive services are those that are designed to prevent incidents before they occur. These can include risk assessments, security audits, vulnerability scanning, and awareness training. Such services aim to strengthen the security posture of an organization by identifying and mitigating potential vulnerabilities and improving overall resilience against cyber threats.

  12. What is not a primary element of an incident response policy?

    • penetration testing requirements
    • getting buy-in from senior management
    • the missions, strategies, and goals of the organization
    • how the incident response team will communicate with the other teams
      Explanation & Hint:

      A primary element that is not typically included in an incident response policy is penetration testing requirements. While penetration testing is an important aspect of cybersecurity, it is generally not a component of an incident response policy. Instead, penetration testing is more aligned with proactive security measures and vulnerability assessments, which are separate from the reactive and managerial elements typically addressed in an incident response policy.

      The other options listed – getting buy-in from senior management, outlining the mission, strategies, and goals of the organization, and defining how the incident response team will communicate with other teams – are all crucial elements of an effective incident response policy.

  13. Which four VERIS components are used to describe an incident? (Choose four.)

    • authorization
    • actions
    • authentication
    • attributes
    • assets
    • accounting
    • access control list
    • actors
    • alarm
    • adjacency
      Explanation & Hint:

      The VERIS (Vocabulary for Event Recording and Incident Sharing) framework uses several components to describe a security incident. Among the options provided, the four VERIS components used to describe an incident are:

      1. Actions: This component describes the methods used in the incident, such as hacking, malware, social engineering, etc.
      2. Attributes: This refers to the properties of the incident that were affected, like confidentiality, integrity, or availability.
      3. Assets: This component details the types of assets involved or affected in the incident, such as servers, user devices, data, etc.
      4. Actors: This describes who is behind the incident, categorizing them as external, internal, partner, etc., and can include their motives and level of authorization.

      VERIS provides a comprehensive and structured approach to describe security incidents, ensuring consistent and useful data for analysis and benchmarking.

  14. The discovery and response section focuses on which three options? (Choose three.)

    • timeline of the events
    • estimating the magnitude of the losses
    • categorizing the varieties of losses experienced
    • how the incident was discovered
    • lessons learned during the response and remediation process
    • capturing a qualitative assessment of the overall effect on the organization
    • general information about the incident
    • organization that is affected by the incident
      Explanation & Hint:

      The discovery and response section of an incident report typically focuses on the following three options:

      1. Timeline of the Events: This includes a chronological account of how the incident unfolded. Detailing the timeline helps in understanding the sequence of events and the response actions taken.
      2. How the Incident was Discovered: This aspect covers the methods or processes through which the incident came to light. It could include detection tools, user reports, or other means of discovery.
      3. Lessons Learned During the Response and Remediation Process: This involves capturing insights and takeaways from managing the incident. It’s crucial for improving future response strategies and enhancing the overall security posture.

      While other options like estimating losses, categorizing losses, and capturing a qualitative assessment are important, they are generally part of the impact assessment or post-incident review, rather than the discovery and response phase specifically.

  15. Which three perspectives does the impact assessment section leverage in order to provide an understanding and measure of consequence that is associated with the incident? (Choose three.)

    • captures the timeline of the events and how the incident was discovered
    • categorizes the varieties of losses experienced
    • stores the general information about the incident to analyze later
    • estimates the magnitude of the varieties of losses
    • captures a qualitative assessment of the overall effect on the organization
    • captures the details of the organization that is affected by the incident
    • translates the details of the incident into a form that is more suitable for trending and analysis
      Explanation & Hint:

      The impact assessment section of an incident report typically leverages the following three perspectives to provide an understanding and measure of the consequence associated with the incident:

      1. Categorizes the Varieties of Losses Experienced: This involves identifying different types of losses incurred due to the incident, such as financial loss, data loss, reputation damage, etc.
      2. Estimates the Magnitude of the Varieties of Losses: This perspective focuses on quantifying the extent of the losses identified, which helps in understanding the severity of the incident.
      3. Captures a Qualitative Assessment of the Overall Effect on the Organization: Beyond quantifiable losses, this includes a broader evaluation of the incident’s impact on the organization’s operations, reputation, and other non-tangible aspects.

      These perspectives are key to assessing the full scope of an incident’s impact, both in tangible and intangible terms, and are essential for informing recovery strategies and future preventative measures.

  16. Which three options can be classified as server assets according to VERIS?

    • router
    • switch
    • DHCP servers
    • mail servers
    • firewall
    • laptops
    • VoIP phones
    • database
      Explanation & Hint:

      In the context of the VERIS (Vocabulary for Event Recording and Incident Sharing) framework, server assets are those that provide services to other computers or networks. Among the options provided, the three that can be classified as server assets according to VERIS are:

      1. DHCP Servers: These servers provide Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol services, assigning IP addresses and other network configuration parameters to devices on a network.
      2. Mail Servers: These are servers that handle and manage electronic mail services, including storing, sending, and receiving email.
      3. Database: This refers to a server that provides database services, storing, retrieving, and managing data in a structured format.

      Other options like routers, switches, firewalls, laptops, and VoIP phones, while important network and communication assets, are not typically classified as server assets in this context. Server assets are specifically those that actively provide a certain kind of service or resource to clients in the network.

  17. In the categories of threat actions, how is misuse defined by VERIS?

    • Misuse is defined as “all attempts to intentionally access or harm information assets without (or exceeding) authorization by circumventing or thwarting logical security mechanisms.”
    • Misuse is defined as “use of deception, intimidation, or manipulation to exploit the human element.”
    • Misuse is defined as “any malicious software, script, or code that is run on a device that alters its state or function without the owner’s informed consent.”
    • Misuse is defined as the use of entrusted organizational resources or privileges for any purpose contrary to what was intended.
      Explanation & Hint:

      In the categories of threat actions as defined by VERIS (Vocabulary for Event Recording and Incident Sharing), misuse is defined as the use of entrusted organizational resources or privileges for any purpose contrary to what was intended. This involves situations where individuals abuse their access rights within an organization, using resources or information in ways that are not aligned with their intended or authorized use. This can include various activities, such as unauthorized use of systems, data theft by insiders, or any other actions that misuse the access or privileges granted to an individual within an organization.

  18. Which section of the VERIS schema translates the incident details into a form that is more suitable for trending and analysis?

    • incident tracking section
    • victim demographics section
    • incident description section
    • discovery and response section
    • impact assessment section
      Explanation & Hint:

      In the VERIS (Vocabulary for Event Recording and Incident Sharing) schema, the section that translates the incident details into a form that is more suitable for trending and analysis is the Victim Demographics Section. This section captures information about the victim(s) of the incident, such as industry type, organization size, and geographic location. By categorizing incidents based on victim demographics, VERIS allows for better trend analysis and comparison across different sectors, sizes, and regions. This analysis is crucial for understanding broader patterns in cybersecurity threats and for developing more effective security strategies.

  19. In the category of social action that is defined by VERIS, which three communication channels can be classified under the vector attribute? (Choose three.)

    • email
    • IM
    • FTP
    • social media
    • Telnet
    • VPN
    • command shell
    • remote file injection
      Explanation & Hint:

      In the category of social actions as defined by VERIS (Vocabulary for Event Recording and Incident Sharing), which focuses on social engineering techniques, the three communication channels that can be classified under the vector attribute are:

      1. Email: This is a common vector for social engineering attacks, such as phishing, where attackers deceive recipients into revealing sensitive information or clicking malicious links.
      2. IM (Instant Messaging): Social engineering attacks can also be conducted via instant messaging platforms, where attackers may impersonate trusted contacts to extract information or distribute harmful links.
      3. Social Media: Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and others are increasingly used for social engineering attacks. Attackers might use fake profiles or hijack existing ones to gain trust and manipulate targets.

      FTP, Telnet, VPN, command shell, and remote file injection are more technical vectors typically associated with hacking-related actions rather than social engineering. Social actions in cybersecurity often involve manipulating individuals into breaking normal security procedures, and these are effectively conducted through communication channels like email, IM, and social media.

  20. In the category of hacking action that is defined by VERIS, which three attacks can be classified under the variety attribute? (Choose three.)

    • man-in-the-middle attacks
    • rootkit
    • remote file inclusion
    • VPN
    • command shell
    • web application
    • buffer overflow
      Explanation & Hint:

      In the category of hacking actions as defined by VERIS (Vocabulary for Event Recording and Incident Sharing), which covers various methods of technical intrusion, the three attacks that can be classified under the variety attribute are:

      1. Man-in-the-Middle Attacks: This type of attack involves an attacker secretly intercepting and possibly altering the communication between two parties who believe they are directly communicating with each other.
      2. Remote File Inclusion: This attack allows an attacker to include a remote file, usually through a script on the web server. This can lead to data theft, server compromise, and other malicious activities.
      3. Buffer Overflow: This attack occurs when a program or process attempts to write more data to a fixed-length block of memory, or buffer, than it is allocated, potentially leading to arbitrary code execution.

      Other options like rootkit, VPN, command shell, and web application, while related to cybersecurity, describe different concepts or tools rather than specific types of hacking attacks. Rootkit is a type of malware, VPN is a network security technology, command shell is an interface for system access, and web application refers to a type of software.

  21. In the categories of threat actions, how is hacking defined by VERIS?

    • Hacking is defined as “all attempts to intentionally access or harm information assets without (or exceeding) authorization by circumventing or thwarting logical security mechanisms.”
    • Hacking is defined as “use of deception, intimidation, or manipulation to exploit the human element.”
    • Hacking is defined as “any malicious software, script, or code that is run on a device that alters its state or function without the owner’s informed consent.”
    • Hacking is defined as the use of entrusted organizational resources or privileges for any purpose contrary to what was intended.
      Explanation & Hint:

      In the categories of threat actions as defined by VERIS (Vocabulary for Event Recording and Incident Sharing), hacking is defined as “all attempts to intentionally access or harm information assets without (or exceeding) authorization by circumventing or thwarting logical security mechanisms.” This definition encompasses various forms of unauthorized access and manipulation of data, systems, or networks, often involving technical methods to bypass security controls.

  22. In the category of hacking action that is defined by VERIS, which three attacks can be classified under the vector attribute? (Choose three.)

    • man-in-the-middle attacks
    • rootkit
    • VPN
    • remote file injection
    • command shell
    • web application
    • buffer overflow
      Explanation & Hint:

      In the category of hacking actions as defined by VERIS (Vocabulary for Event Recording and Incident Sharing), the vector attribute refers to the method or path used to conduct the attack. Among the options provided, the three attacks that can be classified under the vector attribute are:

      1. Web Application: This vector involves exploiting vulnerabilities in web applications, such as SQL injection, cross-site scripting, and other web-based attack techniques.
      2. Command Shell: This refers to attacks that gain access to a system’s command shell (or command line interface), allowing the attacker to execute commands directly on the affected system.
      3. Remote File Injection: This vector involves injecting a file (often malicious) into a system remotely, typically exploiting a vulnerability that allows the attacker to upload or modify files on the target system.

      Other options like man-in-the-middle attacks, rootkit, VPN, and buffer overflow, while relevant to hacking, are not vectors in the same sense. Man-in-the-middle attacks and buffer overflow are more specific types of attacks, a rootkit is a type of malware, and a VPN is a network security technology. The vector attribute in the context of hacking actions in VERIS typically refers to the pathways or methods of attack delivery and execution.

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