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  • Reading time:2 mins read
  • Post last modified:June 12, 2024

We have declared an array of selected month names let summer = ["June", "July", "August"];. We want to change the value "July" stored in the array to the number 7:

  • summer[1] = 7;
  • We cannot do this (an array can only contain elements of the same type).
  • summer.July = 7;
  • summer[0] = 7;
Answers Explanation & Hints:

To change the value “July” stored in the array summer to the number 7, you can use the index notation ([]) and assign the new value to the corresponding index.

In JavaScript arrays, elements can be of different types, so you can replace an element in the array with a value of a different type. By using summer[1] = 7;, you are accessing the element at index 1 (which is “July”) and assigning the value 7 to it, effectively changing the element to the number 7.

Therefore, after executing summer[1] = 7;, the summer array will become ["June", 7, "August"], with the element at index 1 being replaced by the number 7.

For more Questions and Answers:

JavaScipt Essentials 1 (JSE) | JSE1 – Module 2 Test Exam Answers Full 100%

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