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  • Post category:Blog
  • Reading time:2 mins read
  • Post last modified:June 12, 2024

What are the two components of the China Chopper RAT? (Choose two.)

  • RAT malware that is placed on the compromised host that is always written in Perl
  • web shell file that is placed on the compromised web server
  • caidao.exe, which is the attacker’s client interface
  • cryptoware that is placed on the compromised server
Explanation & Hint:

The China Chopper Remote Access Trojan (RAT) is comprised of two main components:

  1. Web shell file that is placed on the compromised web server. This component acts as a backdoor, allowing attackers to remotely access and control the compromised server.
  2. Caidao.exe, which is the attacker’s client interface. This is the tool used by the attacker to interact with the web shell, execute commands, and manage the compromised system.

The other options you mentioned are not components of the China Chopper RAT:

  • RAT malware written in Perl: This is not specifically related to China Chopper, which typically uses a variety of scripting languages for its web shell component.
  • Cryptoware on the compromised server: Cryptoware refers to a type of ransomware, which is not a component of the China Chopper RAT.

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Threat Investigation Post-Assessment | CBROPS

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