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  • Reading time:3 mins read
  • Post last modified:June 12, 2024

What are the two most common log analysis challenges for the SOC? (Choose two.)

  • SOC analysts being tasked to perform many additional tasks besides log analysis
  • lack of proper training on how to perform proper and efficient log analysis
  • integration of the different tools using APIs, which makes log analysis more difficult
  • different logging sources using different log formats
  • too many logging sources
Explanation & Hint:

Among the options provided, the two most common log analysis challenges for a Security Operations Center (SOC) are:

  1. Different logging sources using different log formats: This is a significant challenge because it can make log analysis more complex and time-consuming. Different systems, applications, and devices often produce logs in various formats, requiring SOC analysts to normalize and correlate data from these disparate sources to gain meaningful insights.
  2. Too many logging sources: The sheer volume of logs generated by numerous sources can be overwhelming for SOC teams. Managing and analyzing logs from a vast array of sources not only requires significant computational resources but also poses a challenge in terms of effectively monitoring and identifying potential security incidents within the vast amount of data.

The other options, while they can be challenges in certain contexts, are not as universally applicable:

  • SOC analysts being tasked to perform many additional tasks besides log analysis: While this can be a challenge, it’s more about overall SOC operations and resource allocation rather than a direct challenge of log analysis.
  • Lack of proper training on how to perform proper and efficient log analysis: This is indeed a challenge in some SOCs, but it’s more related to the skill set of the analysts rather than the inherent difficulties of log analysis itself.
  • Integration of the different tools using APIs, which makes log analysis more difficult: Integration challenges do exist, but they are generally about improving efficiency and streamlining processes rather than making log analysis more difficult per se. Proper integration can actually alleviate some of the challenges associated with log analysis.

For more Questions and Answers:

Threat Analysis Post-Assessment | CBROPS

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