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  • Post last modified:June 12, 2024

What is not the task of the interpreter?

  • Transforming the individual commands of the source code into the target form.
  • Creating a runtime environment for the program.
  • Verifying the correctness of the program source code (syntax).
  • Transforming all program code into target code before execution.
Answers Explanation & Hints:

The task of the interpreter does not include transforming all program code into target code before execution.

Interpreters work by executing the program code line by line, transforming each individual command from the source code into executable instructions as it encounters them. The interpreter takes care of executing these instructions directly without prior transformation of the entire program into target code. This is in contrast to compilers, which typically transform the entire program into target code before execution.

The other tasks mentioned are typically associated with interpreters:

  1. Transforming the individual commands of the source code into the target form: Interpreters translate each command or statement in the source code into executable instructions or bytecode as they encounter them during runtime.
  2. Creating a runtime environment for the program: Interpreters set up the necessary runtime environment, including allocating memory, managing variables and objects, handling input and output, and providing the necessary runtime libraries or APIs for program execution.
  3. Verifying the correctness of the program source code (syntax): Interpreters perform syntax checking to ensure that the program adheres to the language’s syntax rules. They identify and report syntax errors in the source code before executing it.

In summary, transforming all program code into target code before execution is not a task performed by interpreters. Instead, interpreters execute the code line by line, transforming individual commands as they encounter them during runtime.

For more Questions and Answers:

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