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  • Reading time:8 mins read
  • Post last modified:June 12, 2024

What is the value of the k variable at the end of the following snippet?

int i, j, k;

i = 3;
j = -3;

k = (i >= i) + (j <= j) + (i == j) + (i > j);
  • 3
  • 2
  • 1
  • 0
Explanation & Hints:

To determine the value of the variable k at the end of the provided C code snippet, we will evaluate each of the expressions in the assignment to k based on the values of i and j. Here’s the detailed evaluation:

Variable Initialization:

int i, j, k;
i = 3;
j = -3;

Assignment to k:

k = (i >= i) + (j <= j) + (i == j) + (i > j);

Breaking down each part:

  • (i >= i): This checks if i is greater than or equal to i. Since i is equal to itself, this is true, and thus, evaluates to 1.
  • (j <= j): This checks if j is less than or equal to j. Since j is equal to itself, this is true, and thus, evaluates to 1.
  • (i == j): This checks if i is equal to j. Since 3 is not equal to -3, this is false, and thus, evaluates to 0.
  • (i > j): This checks if i is greater than j. Since 3 is greater than -3, this is true, and thus, evaluates to 1.

Summing these results gives:

k = 1 + 1 + 0 + 1;
k = 3;

Thus, the value of k at the end of this code snippet is 3.

For more Questions and Answers:

Basic data types, operations, and flow control (decision-making statements) Module 2 Test Answers Full 100%


What is the value of the k variable at the end of the following snippet?

int i, j, k;

i = 3;
j = -3;

k = i * j;
k += j;
k /= i;
  • -4
  • -8
  • 4
  • 8
Explanation & Hints:

Let’s evaluate the code snippet step by step to find the value of the variable k:

Initialization of Variables:

int i, j, k;
i = 3;
j = -3;

Calculation of k:

  • First, k is calculated by multiplying i and j:
k = i * j;
Substituting the values, =3×−3=−9.
  • Next, j is added to k:
k += j;
This translates to =−9+(−3)=−12.
  • Finally, k is divided by i:
k /= i;
This results in =−12÷3=−4.
Therefore, the value of k at the end of this snippet is -4.

For more Questions and Answers:

Basic data types, operations, and flow control (decision-making statements) Module 2 Test Answers Full 100%


What is the value of the k variable at the end of the following snippet?

int i, j, k;

i = 4;
j = 5;

k = i-- * ++j;
  • 24
  • 28
  • 21
  • 18
Explanation & Hints:

Let’s break down the operations step-by-step:

int i, j, k;

i = 4;
j = 5;

k = i-- * ++j;
  1. Initial values:
    • i = 4
    • j = 5
  2. Pre-increment j (++j):
    • ++j increments j by 1 before using its value.
    • So, j becomes 6.
  3. Post-decrement i (i--):
    • i-- uses the current value of i (which is 4) and then decrements i by 1.
    • So, the value of i used in the multiplication is 4, and after the operation, i becomes 3.
  4. Multiplication:
    • k = i-- * ++j
    • k = 4 * 6
    • k = 24

So, the value of k at the end of the snippet is 24.

For more Questions and Answers:

Basic data types, operations, and flow control (decision-making statements) Module 2 Test Answers Full 100%


What is the value of the k variable at the end of the following snippet?

int i, j, k;
i = 4;
j = 5;

k = --i * j++;
  • 15
  • 18
  • 16
  • 12
Explanation & Hints:

Let’s break down the operations step-by-step:

int i, j, k;

i = 4;
j = 5;

k = --i * j++;
  1. Initial values:
    • i = 4
    • j = 5
  2. Pre-decrement i (--i):
    • --i decrements i by 1 before using its value.
    • So, i becomes 3.
  3. Post-increment j (j++):
    • j++ uses the current value of j (which is 5) and then increments j by 1.
    • So, the value of j used in the multiplication is 5, and after the operation, j becomes 6.
  4. Multiplication:
    • k = --i * j++
    • k = 3 * 5
    • k = 15

So, the value of k at the end of the snippet is 15.

For more Questions and Answers:

Basic data types, operations, and flow control (decision-making statements) Module 2 Test Answers Full 100%

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