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  • Reading time:2 mins read
  • Post last modified:June 12, 2024

Which access control component, implementation, or protocol is based on device roles of supplicant, authenticator, and authentication server?

  • 802.1X
  • accounting
  • authorization
  • authentication
Explanation & Hint:

The access control component that is based on the device roles of supplicant, authenticator, and authentication server is 802.1X. Here’s an explanation of its roles:

802.1X: This is a network access and control protocol that operates with three key roles:

  • Supplicant: The client device that wants to gain access to the network.
  • Authenticator: Typically a network device, such as a switch or wireless access point, that acts as an intermediary between the supplicant and the authentication server. It enforces authentication before allowing access to network resources.
  • Authentication Server: Often a RADIUS server, this verifies the credentials provided by the supplicant and informs the authenticator whether access should be granted or denied.

The other components mentioned (Accounting, Authorization, Authentication) do not specifically utilize this triad of roles in their processes. Accounting involves tracking and logging network usage, Authorization deals with granting permissions to a user or device, and Authentication is the process of verifying identity, but none of these use the specific supplicant-authenticator-authentication server model inherent to 802.1X.


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