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  • Post last modified:June 12, 2024

Which statement is true regarding the UDP client process during a session with a server?

  • Application servers have to use port numbers above 1024 in order to be UDP capable.
  • A three-way handshake takes place before the transmission of data begins.
  • A session must be established before datagrams can be exchanged.
  • Datagrams that arrive in a different order than that in which they were sent are not placed in order.

Answers Explanation & Hints:

  • UDP (User Datagram Protocol) is a transport layer protocol that is connectionless, meaning it does not establish a session or perform a three-way handshake before transmitting data.
  • Unlike TCP (Transmission Control Protocol), UDP does not guarantee delivery or order of datagrams. If datagrams are lost or arrive out of order, it is up to the application layer to handle any necessary retransmissions or reordering of data.
  • Both the client and server processes using UDP can use any port number, and there is no requirement for applications to use ports above 1024. However, some well-known services such as DNS use specific port numbers.
  • In summary, while a session does not need to be established before datagrams can be exchanged, and a three-way handshake does not take place, UDP does not guarantee delivery or order of datagrams.

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