Which three commands are used to set up secure access to a router through a connection to the console interface? (Choose three.)
- interface fastethernet 0/0
- line vty 0 4
- line console 0
- enable secret cisco
- login
- password cisco
Answers Explanation & Hints: The three commands needed to password protect the console port are as follows:
line console 0
password cisco
The interface fastethernet 0/0 command is commonly used to access the configuration mode used to apply specific parameters such as the IP address to the Fa0/0 port. The line vty 0 4 command is used to access the configuration mode for Telnet. The 0 and 4 parameters specify ports 0 through 4, or a maximum of five simultaneous Telnet connections. The enable secret command is used to apply a password used on the router to access the privileged mode.