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  • Reading time:3 mins read
  • Post last modified:June 12, 2024

Which three of the followings are major categories of Snort rule options? (Choose three.)

  • General
  • Payload
  • Protocol
  • Operator
  • Postdetection
Explanation & Hint:

The major categories of Snort rule options can be understood as the types of detection capabilities they provide within Snort rules. While the specific terminology like “General,” “Operator,” or “Postdetection” isn’t standard for categorizing Snort rule options, here are three important categories that align more closely with how Snort rules are typically discussed:

  1. Payload Options: These options inspect the payload of packets for specific content. They allow you to set criteria based on the data within the packet, such as specific byte sequences, regular expressions, and more.
  2. Header Options: Not explicitly listed in your options, but header options are crucial and refer to the inspection of the IP, TCP, UDP, and ICMP headers. This includes options that specify source and destination IP addresses, source and destination ports, and more.
  3. Non-Payload Options: Also not listed but significant, these options inspect attributes of the packet other than the payload. They include options to check for fragmentation, IP options, and certain protocol-specific characteristics.

The term “Protocol” might refer to the protocol-specific options, but it is not a major category by itself in the context of Snort rules. “General” and “Postdetection” do not directly correspond to Snort rule categories. “Operator” is not a Snort category either; it could refer to the specific operations used within Snort rule options, such as match operators.

In Snort, rule options are typically categorized into what they inspect or the type of action they perform, such as alerting, logging, or modifying packets.

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Network Security Post-Assessment | CBROPS

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