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  • Reading time:1 mins read
  • Post last modified:June 12, 2024

What is the best description of NetBIOS?

  • It is an obsolete and insecure Windows network protocol.
  • It is an alternative to TCP/IP on Windows networks.
  • It is required for file sharing when using operating systems after Windows 2000.
  • NetBIOS replaced NetBT on Windows networks.

Answers Explanation & Hints:

NetBIOS (Network Basic Input/Output System ) is an obsolete and insecure Windows network protocol. TCP/IP replaced NetBOIS on windows networks. NetBT (NetBIOS over TCP/IP) replaced NetBOIS on Windows networks. NetBOIS or NETBT should only enabled if absolutely required on operating systems earlier than Windows 2000.

For more Questions and Answers go to the link below:

ITE 8 + IT Essentials 7 Chapter 6 Quiz Answers

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