Ch5 File Manipulation Exam

  1. The ls command will list which of the following by default?

    • Nothing; it requires an argument
    • User’s home directory
    • The root directory
    • The current directory
  2. User home directories often contain hidden files.

    True or False?

    • True
    • False
  3. Use the ___ option to display hidden files with the ls command.

    • -a
    • -h
    • -D
  4. The ls command can list the contents of only one directory at a time.

    True or False?

    • True
    • False
  5. The period . character in the output of the ls command represents:

    • Directories that can’t be accessed
    • The current directory
    • The end of the command output
    • Hidden files
  6. To perform a long listing to show file details, use which of the following commands:

    • ls -l
    • ls -D
    • ls -L
    • ll
  7. Using the touch command and specifying a nonexistent file…

    • generates an error.
    • creates a blank file with that name.
    • prompts the user to create a file.
    • does nothing.
  8. The touch command can be used to change a file’s time-stamp to something other than the current system time.

    True or False?

    • True
    • False
  9. By default, what does the cp command preserve from the original file?

    • The contents
    • The timestamps
    • The name
    • The permissions and ownership
  10. To copy the contents of a directory, use the following option(s) for the cp command:

    (choose two)

    • -A
    • -d
    • -R
    • -r
  11. To maintain timestamps when using the cp command, use:

    • -a
    • -A
    • -t
    • -T
  12. The mv command can be used to move more than one file at a time.

    True or False?

    • True
    • False
  13. The mv command will rename a file when a new directory is not specified.

    True or False?

    • True
    • False
  14. Which option for the rm command will cause it to prompt before deleting files?

    • -i
    • -a
    • -p
    • -l
  15. Which option(s) for the rm command can be used to delete directories that contain files?

    (choose two)

    • -D
    • -A
    • -R
    • -r
  16. The rm command can be used with glob characters to delete multiple files.

    • True
    • False
  17. The mkdir command cannot be used to:

    • Delete a directory
    • Create multiple directories at once
    • Create new directories
    • Create sub-directories in different parent directories
  18. Which mkdir option should be used to create parent directories (that don’t already exist) along with the specified directory?

    • -p
    • -d
    • -F
    • -A
  19. The rmdir command can be used to delete directories and their contents.

    True or False?

    • True
    • False
  20. The ls-l command output will not include:

    • Hard link count
    • Timestamp
    • File permissions
    • File contents
  21. Which character at the beginning of a long listing indicates a directory?

    • c
    • d
    • l
  22. Which character at the beginning of a long listing indicates a symbolic link?

    • c
    • l
    • d
  23. The names of hidden files begin with the ___ character.

    • >
    • .
    • *
    • +
  24. Which option to the ls command will sort the output by size instead of alphabetically?

    • -r
    • -S
    • -t
    • -s
  25. Which option to the ls command will sort the output by time-stamp?

    • -t
    • -S
    • -r
    • -s
  26. Which option to the ls command will reverse the sort order?

    • -r
    • -s
    • -t
    • -S
  27. The file command uses _____ to determine file types.

    • a random number generator
    • the block file
    • alchemy
    • the magic file
  28. By default, using the touch command on an existing file will update the file’s _____.

    • Type
    • Ownership
    • Timestamp
    • Permissions
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