Ch9 The vi Editor Exam
Ch9 The vi Editor Exam
If you are in the
command mode and want to add a new line before your cursor, you would type:- o
- a
- i
- O
If you are in the
command mode and want to begin inserting text before your cursor, you can type:- o
- O
- A
- i
If you are in
command mode and want to add a new line after your cursor, you can type:- O
- i
- a
- o
If you are in vi command mode and want to begin inserting text at the end of the line, you can type:
- o
- O
- A
- I
If you want to move a character to the left in
command mode, you can press the Left Arrow Key ← or:- j
- k
- h
- l
If you want to move a character to the right in
command mode, you can press the Right Arrow Key → or:- k
- h
- j
- l
If you want to move up a line in
command mode, you can press the Up Arrow Key ↑ or:- j
- k
- l
- h
If you want to quit the
program without saving any of the changes you made to your file, you can type in command mode:- :w!
- :s!
- :a!
- :q!
To go to the beginning of a line in the
command mode, you press:- 1
- g
- ^
- $
To go to the first line of a
document in command mode, you can type:(choose two)
- gg
- 1G
- G
- GG
To move backward through a
document, word by word, you press:- r
- c
- b
- w
To move forward one word at a time in the
command mode, you press:- f
- t
- w
- g
To navigate to the end of the line in
command mode, you can press:- ^
- *
- $
- #
To perform cut and paste in a
document, you actually do:- yank and put
- delete and put
- yank and paste
- delete and yank
To save and then quit, you can type in command mode:
- !!
- WW
- ZZ
To search backward from your cursor in your
document in command mode, you can type __ followed by the pattern to search for.- |
- ?
- \
- /
To search forward from your cursor in your
document in command mode, you can type __ followed by the pattern to search for.- |
- \
- ?
- /
Typing which of the following from
command mode will attempt to save your file?- :f
- :r
- :w
- :s
What would typing 4dh do in
command mode?- Delete the next four characters
- Delete the next four lines
- Duplicate the next four characters
- Delete the previous four characters
Which of the following variables affect the standard editor for a user?
- $VI
- $ENV
To configure the default or standard editor for a user, which file should the $EDITOR variable be configured in?
- .editor
- .vimrc
- .stdedit
- .bashrc